
Showing posts from May, 2015

Crystal Reports 2 column crosstab -

using crosstab expert in crpts, populating columns selection 2 column names , using preview, report has cannot tell what. report has helpdesk total date , out of total there group count dept. report looks great 1 column selected. however, once select column fr db , select columns crosstab expert, columns in report preview displayed hard tell what since no , yes columns. have keep groups together, column totals on top, , row totals on left "checked" out. want have: grand toatl column(for helpdesk) total dist. classrooms afected totals can help? new cr , have not been able make "hit" researching. based on above, want report like: (col 1) (col 2) (col 3 date group district classes affected crosstab expert has: 2 rows, 2 summaries(sum on date , grandtotal on top), 1 col(which works great col 2 used column not when include col 3). district count of district's in group classes affected count of groups count. i

How to setup MySQL table to follow a variable over time? -

say have several registered users in website. users saved on single table 'users' assigns unique id each 1 of them. i want allow users track expenses, miles driven, temperature, etc. i can't sure each user enter value all trackable variables when login -- example of happen be: 'example data' user date amount miles temp etc 1 3/1/2010 $10.00 5 54 2 3/1/2010 $20.00 15 1 3/12/2010 5 55 1 3/15/2010 $10.00 25 51 3 3/20/2010 45 3 4/12/2010 $20.00 10 54 what best way set tables situation? should create table exclusive each user when register? (could end thousands of user-exclusive tables) 'user-1 table' date amount miles temp etc 3/1/2010 $10.00 5 54 3/12/2010 5 55 3/15/2010 $10.00 25 51 'user-3 table' date

Zend Validator location -

do need save custom zend validator location "zend/validate"? i'd rather create folder custom validation scripts, cannot find in zend documentation other changing namespace. here error message. "plugin name 'usernamevalidate' not found in registry; used paths: zend_validate_: zend/validate/" i'd tell search additional paths. i able solve problem using addelementprefixpath('application_validate', '../application/validate', 'validate');

android - Question about an activity killed by system -

suppose root activity starts activity b, , activity b starts activity c. current task stack contains a, b, c. suppose system memory got low, , os killed activity b. after that, user pressed key exit activity c. question is, after activity c exits, activity b recreated , shows up, or activity shows up? thanks. unless activity b called finish(), should show again.

php - shell_exec ( 'svn up /var/www/mydirectory' ) not working -

i cannot shell_exec ( 'svn /var/www/mydirectory' ) work. reason nothing happens. tempted think permission issue, not sure. can execute no problem: shell_exec ( 'svn help' ) this because of file-permission issue. in php configurations, /var/www/* not writable php user. svn /var/www/... tries write directory, while svn help not. /var/www/ not writable php user security precaution. making writable makes site more vulnerable because if bug found in php scripts, attacker more capable of taking complete control on server. (because able write own php code on server) if /var/www/mydirectory not contain php code needs execute, should safe chmod -x+w mydirectory/ . if mydirectory contains php code need execute, , you've assessed there not more secure way of doing it, use chmod +w mydirectory/ . note, recommend making cron job or using other way of running svn up operation different user, , leaving read-only php process.

Will adding a column to table break app? -

i've inherited web app, , coming speed on being dba well. before break anything, if add new column table, there chance break existing page crud operations? new column not, of course, part of existing operations , grid controls, , if allow contain null (so inserts don't require value input), ok? i realize deleting column break things. adding nullable column seem harmless enough. (i think). but want check! thanks well, depends on how app written. if, example, code uses column numbers instead of names it's things break, if add columns in between ones exist. hopefully app has enough unit tests try out confidence. if not, maybe adding unit tests should first priority.

Forward Geocoding example Code for android? -

has developed code converting address lat/long value. getting confused geocoder. of great if can sample code, using below code. gives error no address found . not crashes public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); mymap = (mapview) findviewbyid(; // map xml btnsearch = (button) findviewbyid(; // button xml adress = (edittext) findviewbyid(; // address xml gc = new geocoder(this); // create new geocoder instance btnsearch.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() { public void onclick(view v) { pd =, "working..", "searching address", true, false); //show progress dialog //thread thread = new thread(simplegooglemaps.this); //then create new thread // thread.start(); //and

flex - Force Flash Builder 4 to compile all source files -

according answers this question here , reason why i'm not seeing errors work in flash builder fb "optimizing" them out because aren't referenced @ point in code execution. there option force flash builder compile files regardless of whether they're used in software? make development process lot more intuitive. the way reference class somewhere in code know is being compiled, such document class in .fla, or file in pure as3 project. can simple declaring variable of given type, if no value ever assigned it. private var complieme:otherwiseunreferencedclass; // ^ cause class compiled.

jQuery.delay() is not a function error -

i have used same code below jquery(elem).slidedown("slow").delay(3000).slideup("slow"); that worked fine months before. showing error jquery(elem).slidedown("slow").delay not function now i'm using jquery 1.5.

javascript - add event to Jquery Plugin -

i have jquery plugin , want add event it. help, tips, or tutorial? as understand correctly if have kind of button close popup , need function triggered after close. (function($) { $.fn.someplugin = function(options) { // stuff popup $('#closebutton').click(function(e) { //close popup if (options.onafterclose !== undefined) { options.onafterclose(e); } }); }; })(jquery); it pass event click event. $('#someid').someplugin({ onafterclose: function(e) { alert('after close'); } });

get the MAC address of the closest WiFi using Android -

q/ write android program mac address of closest wifi access point is there ready written program can use ? dose body have information might me ? thank see this: the bssid mac address of ap.

javascript - testing js variable declaration speed -

i want speed tests on basic stuff variable declaration. now have function executes x times have more significant time difference. (you need open console & takes few seconds execute) this code: var doit = 10000000, = 0, i2 = 0; //testing var comma console.time('timer'); function test(){ var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z; }; while (i<=doit){ test(); i++; }; console.timeend('timer'); //testing individual var declarations console.time('timer2'); function test2(){ var a; var b; var c; var d; var e; var f; var g; var h; var i; var j; var k; var l; var m; var n; var o; var p; var q; var r; var s; var t; var u; var v; var w; var x; var y; var z; }; while (i2<=doit){ test(); i2++; }; console.timeend('timer2'); now have 2 questions: is accurate way of testing speed of variable declarations? how test more cycles without having firefox cr

ipad - how to call a function as user click on search in alert view iphone -

//---------searchoing----- // - (ibaction) search_hadit { uialertview *alert = [[uialertview alloc] initwithtitle:@"search" message:@" " delegate:self cancelbuttontitle:@"cancel" otherbuttontitles:@"search", nil]; cgrect frame = cgrectmake(14, 35, 255, 23); mytextfield = [[uitextfield alloc] initwithframe:frame]; mytextfield.borderstyle = uitextborderstylebezel; mytextfield.textcolor = [uicolor blackcolor]; mytextfield.textalignment = uitextalignmentcenter; mytextfield.font = [uifont systemfontofsize:14.0]; mytextfield.placeholder = @"enter query"; mytextfield.backgroundcolor = [uicolor whitecolor]; mytextfield.autocorrectiontype = uitextautocorrectiontypeno; // no auto correction support mytextfield.keyboardtype = uikeyboardtypedefault;// use default

c# - Why DropDownList.SelectedIndexChanged event does not fire? -

i have dropdown bounded objectdatasource. on data bound event, adding "--select--" value on 0 index. have linkbutton on page , on client click, selecting different item on drop down (using javascript). suppose there 3 items --select--, option1, option2 , option3 , on link button's client click selected option3, if select default value "--select--", not fire selectedindexchanged event. if select other value fires. why not work default value? protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) { if (!ispostback && !iscallback) { this.filldropdown("--select--"); } else { if (this.drp.selecteditem != null) this.filldropdown(this.drp.selecteditem.text); else this.filldropdown("--select--"); } } protected void filldropdown(string viewname) {; this.drp.items.clear(); this.drp.selectedin

Can't fetch all record from Mysql-PHP -

i have query fetch data database, query returns 590 rows. when put same query, untouched in phpmyadmin, returns overs 1000 records. i have tried write query in other ways, changed mysql mysqli, result same. can't record need. select invoice_orders.invoice_number, invoice_orders.ddt_number,, invoice_order_products.productcode, invoice_order_products.category, invoice_order_products.amount, invoice_order_products.price, invoice_order_products.composizione from invoice_orders, invoice_order_products where = invoice_order_products.invoice_id , from_unixtime(, '%m/%y' ) = '01/2011' thanks are sure you're querying same host , db schema/table?

internet explorer - jQuery UI Check Button doesn't stay Highlighted IE 8 -

i using jquery ui button element checkbox . idea works toggle button. button pressed , stays in 'pressed'/'active' state until clicked again, checkbox button visual interface user. my problem button not stay in pressed state in internet explorer. works correctly in other browsers. when if click button, , press anywhere else on page, button appear unpressed/default/inactive. javascript: $('#btnoptions').button({ icons: { primary: "ui-icon-wrench" } }) $('#btnoptions').click(function (event) { event.preventdefault(); loadoptions(); }); html: <input type="checkbox" id="btnoptions" /><label for="btnoptions">options</label> any ideas? thanks well turns out idiot! this line of code doing it: event.preventdefault(); i had in there convention because when buttons links, use prevent page jumping top. time preventing default behaviour! so code wo

ruby on rails - Scoped AUTO_INCREMENT in MySQL? -

i using mysql in rails application. have users table (standard stuff id, name etc) , books table (again id, user_id , title etc). i have column (lets call user_book_id) should auto incremented id scoped user_id. id, if record deleted in books table, user_book_id should not reused. example: user id | name ------------ 1 | jerry 2 | newman book id | user_id | user_book_id | title ----------------------------------- 1 | 1 | 1 | jerry's first book 2 | 1 | 2 | jerry's second book 3 | 2 | 1 | newman's first book 4 | 1 | 3 | jerry's third book is there way in mysql? searched not find anything. thanks, prateek no, no such thing exists. either allow auto_increment unique across table, or have implement yourself.

c# - ASP.Net binding attributes of a custom control's inner property -

i have created usercontrol inner property called "actions", list of "action" objects. code looks this: [parsechildren(true)] public class mylink : usercontrol { readonly list<action> _actions = new list<action>(); [persistencemode(persistencemode.innerproperty)] public list<action> actions { { return _actions; } } public string text { get;set; } public string url { get;set; } public string menuname { get; set; } protected override void render(htmltextwriter writer) { //build link stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); sb.append(@" <table class=""mylink""> <tr> <td class=""mylinkleft""><a href=" + url + @">" + text + @"</a></td> <td class=""mylinkright " + menuname + @"_trigger&qu

android - the best componenents to use in UI? -

i'm working on app records audio. sample saved on sd card. @ moment ui has buttons record,play , reverse sample. i'd way specify file name sample , menu play recorded samples. tell me widgets best this. i'm thinking textbox/keyboard, context menu or sort of list. not sure of terminology. thanks i recommend this: google io 2010 - design patterns - video if don't have time check slides: google io 2010 - design patterns - slides video more comprehensive though!!! luck! me , others answered sort of similar question here: prettifying android app?

php - mod_rewrite before of after developing application -

i trying better understand how incorporate mod_rewrite web applications development life cycle. the question trying understand is: do build application , setup mod_rewrite after fact? is more appropriate consider mod_rewrite along way while develop application? mod_rewrite substantial part of application. if doesn't handle trivial requests, example establishes front controller, of course have have planned application structure know mod_rewrite supposed do.

c# - Wpftoolkit Chart databinding -

can tell me possible types of data binding mechanisms bind data wpftookit chart. know way have many dependent value bindings same independent value binding. please read this , closely.

find whitespace in hyperlinks with php and fix them -

i have hyperlinks entered users have been justified. has created following scenario in html: <a href="http:// www. web site link .com ">website link bro ken </a> how can use php fix on page load or in script run on database achieve this: <a href="">website link bro ken</a> (the link text guess impossible fix without checkning if parts of words fit - long link works, on screen justification have pass. please bear in mind these occurances within large bodies of text. searching spaces begin finding each link , 'repairing' it. function replacespaces( $in ) { return preg_replace( "/ /", "", $in ); } $link = preg_replace( "/href=\"[^\"]+\"/ie", " replacespaces( '\$0' )", $link ); edited - thx comments - mistake

Ruby Array Ranges -

(2011..1995).to_a returns array ( doesn't. why? try > 2011.downto(1995).to_a => [2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995]

networking - Printing solution for PHP web app -

we're developing web application (written in php) company , have remote branches decent connectivity internet. i'm looking solution allow remote branch to: print receipts using thermal printer print label package using barcode printer is there single hardware solution can 2 functions? since web app doesn't have concept of locally-attached printer, possible send data on network , printer? alternatives? php isn't right platform talk printers. why don't write desktop application in language better os api hooks (c/c++/c#/vb/java/etc) makes http/tcp request on network php app, response tells whatever needs print. local app @ branch printing.

c++ - How to make Win32/MFC threads loop in lockstep? -

i'm new multithreading in windows, might trivial question: what's easiest way of making sure threads perform loop in lockstep? i tried passing shared array of event s threads , using waitformultipleobjects @ end of loop synchronize them, gives me deadlock after one, two, cycles. here's simplified version of current code (with 2 threads, i'd make scalable): typedef struct { int rank; handle* step_events; } iterationparams; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // ... iterationparams p[2]; handle step_events[2]; (int j=0; j<2; ++j) { step_events[j] = createevent(null, false, false, null); } (int j=0; j<2; ++j) { p[j].rank = j; p[j].step_events = step_events; afxbeginthread(iteration, p+j); } // ... } uint iteration(lpvoid pparam) { iterationparams* p = (iterationparams*)pparam; int rank = p->rank; (int i=0; i<100; i++) { if (rank == 0) {

How to remove selection from a listbox in html by javascript and jQuery? -

after click item on listbox, i'll processing need remove selection @ first time can click same item again , fire event of selected index change. set selectedindex property -1: // plain js: document.getelementbyid("mylist").selectedindex = -1; // using jquery select element: $("#mylist")[0].selectedindex = -1; working demo:

java - Is OSGi overkill for modularized Web projects? -

i develop big web project java, maven, , spring. however, there different flavors of web project created specific customer needs. instance, if 1 customer wants twitter page, not, need able build flavor of web project or without twitter page. i have been looking maven overlays , osgi 2 options. maven overlays tend take long time build when copying resources base overlay. looking @ spring osgi web option because seem on right track modularizing small chuncks (controllers, views, js/resources/images) web projects. is osgi overkill? need use? there better? osgi great if need add/remove unforeseen features (and code) @ runtime (and not enable or disable it), time not needed web apps. so in case recommend use configuration (file) enable or disable features long possible. have advantage, need 1 war. to handle problem of: "how put configuration file in war", have several ways ( different files packaged in maven war project ): use maven environements -

performance - Are queries against Azure Table Storage indexed when using a partial RowKey? -

i understand ms pdc presentations partitionkey used load balance table across multiple servers, nobody seems give advice on whether partitionkey used index within single server. likewise, tell specifying partitionkey , rowkey gets great performance, nobody seems tell if rowkey being used improve performance within partitionkey. here sample queries me frame questions. assume entire table contains 100,000,000 rows. partionkey="123" , otherfield="def" partitionkey="123" , rowkey >= "aaa" , rowkey < "aac" here questions: if have 10 rows in each partition, query 1 fast? if have 1,000,000 rows in each partition, query 2 fast? in ats, partitionkey used distribution lookup, not index. level of working ats, consider partitionkey , "server"/node share 1:1 relationship. (behind scenes isn't true, concepts such optimizing partitionkeys happen reside on same physical/virtual node abstracted seve

Caching in -

i m having webservice. in m using caching. i have wrote following code store datatable in cache. using system.web.caching; cache.insert("dt", dt, null,,, system.web.caching.cacheitempriority.default, null); it give me error "an object reference required non static field. how can remove error you're trying use cache class static one. if want use current cache class instance http context during request, should doing like: httpcontext.current.cache.insert("dt", dt, null,,, system.web.caching.cacheitempriority.default, null);

algorithm - calculating Lempel-Ziv (LZ) complexity (aka sequence complexity) of a binary string -

i need calculate lz-complexity of binary string. lz-complexity number of differencet substrings encountered stream viewed begining end. example: s = 1001111011000010 marking in different substrings sequence complexity c(s) = 6: s = 1 / 0 / 01 / 1110 / 1100 / 0010 / can guide me find simple solution that? sure there should straight-forward implementations well-known problem, have difficulty finding them. can done done constructing suffix tree or similar. if yes, how? , should do? anyone knows of c/c++ source code accomplish task? thanks in advance. to clarify construction of tree suggested in answers. tree looks this? o / \ o o / \ / \ o o o o / / o o below quick example of how compute lz-complexity using tree. convenience - mine; not yours - code implements fixed-sized pre-allocated tree, , prime example of why void* pointers ugly use , difficult maintain. hand code in is, , lecturer shoot in f

c# 4.0 - Constraining a generic method using Enum methods to T -

i've been trying write utility extension method flagged enum values. purpose method retrieve list of flags enabled. what wanted this: public static ienumerable<t> getflags<t>(this t value) t:enum { return enum.getvalues(typeof(t)).oftype<enum>().where(value.hasflag).cast<t>(); } however, since generics doesn't work enum type had resort following: public static ienumerable<t> getflags<t>(this enum value) { return enum.getvalues(typeof(t)).oftype<enum>().where(value.hasflag).cast<t>(); } is there way around or should resign myself explicitly having declare type every time method called ? the best can where t : struct . for non-extension methods, can use ugly trick: public abstract class enums<temp> temp : class { public static tenum parse<tenum>(string name) tenum : struct, temp { return (tenum)enum.parse(typeof(tenum), name); } } public abstract class en gridview textbox focus using javascript -

i developing application have content page derived master page , inside page have gridview control have bound fields , textbox take value , calculate remaining. using following javascript code. <td colspan="4"> <div id="divgrid" style="width: 890px; height: 200px; overflow: auto"> <asp:gridview id="customergrid" runat="server" backcolor="white" autogeneratecolumns="false" bordercolor="#336666" borderstyle="double" borderwidth="3px" cellpadding="4" gridlines="horizontal" width="920px"> <rowstyle backcolor="white" forecolor="#333333" /> <%-- <headerstyle cssclass="headerfreeze" />--%> <columns> <asp:boundfield datafield="ref_no" headertext="deal/transfer ref # " > - Using <T> on IPagination -

i have following class public class navigationientity { public int currentid { get; set; } public string view { get; set; } public string controller { get; set; } public ipagination<ientity> entities { get; set; } } i have following helper instantiate public static navigationientity create<t>(int currentid, string view, string controller, ipagination<t> entities) t : ientity { return new navigationientity { entities = entities, view = view, controller = controller, currentid = currentid }; } however following error. edit: i've tried following, "ipagination entities" ie not t public static navigationientity create(int currentid, string view, string controller, ipagination<ientity> entities) { return new navigationientity { entities = entities, view = view, controller = controller, currentid = currentid }; } but don't know how best resolve di

Not seeing updated SSIS variables -

in ssis package (vs 2008) have couple of readwrite variables (package-level) setting inside script task. when debug task, can see variables are, in fact, getting set. however, when exit task , @ variables window, or in package explorer, variables still have default (blank) values. why??? thanks!! the variable values shown in variables window show values when package execution begins. if these change during execution, these not reflected, default values remain (that is, defaults!) next execution. hope makes sense! say, values change when check them when debugging.

php - Get only the next 6 characters after a word -

i have string: $string = 'foo bar php haystack needle' and want next 6 characters after php , get: haysta how can that? greetings you have find position of 'php' , add substr() on position +3 (for skipping 'php' itself): $needle = 'php'; $str = substr($string, strpos($string, $needle) + strlen($needle), 6); the third parameter ( 6 ) length of substring want.

c++ - Creating a counter that stays synchronized across MPI processes -

i have quite bit of experience using basic comm , group mpi2 methods, , quite bit of embarrassingly parallel simulation work using mpi. until now, have structured code have dispatch node, , bunch of worker nodes. dispatch node has list of parameter files run simulator. seeds each worker node parameter file. worker nodes run simulation, request parameter file, dispatch node provides. once parameter files have been run, dispatch node shuts down each worker node, before shutting down. the parameter files typically named "par_n.txt" n identifying integer (e.g.- n = 1-1000). thinking, if create counter, , have counter synchronized across of nodes, eliminate need have dispatch node, , make system bit more simple. simple sounds in theory, in practice suspect bit more difficult, i'd need ensure counter locked while being changed, etc.. , thought there might built-in way mpi handle this. thoughts? on thinking this? implementing shared counter isn't tr

c++ - ICU Currency Locale Get Denomination -

is there way probe icu currency locale it's minimal denomination? example us's $0.01, korea (ko_kr) ₩1. thought calling getroundingincrement() on decimalformat object may give me returns 0 both en_us , ko_kr. you need take on: getminimumfractiondigits() function: #include <unicode/numfmt.h> #include <unicode/ustream.h> #include <unicode/ustring.h> #include <iostream> int main() { uerrorcode e=u_zero_error; icu::numberformat *fmt = icu::numberformat::createcurrencyinstance(e); std::cout << fmt->getminimumfractiondigits() << std::endl; icu::unicodestring str; std::cout << fmt->format(12345.5678,str) << std::endl; delete fmt; } this output of program different locales, seems need $ ./a.out 2 $12,345.57 $ lc_all=en_us.utf-8 ./a.out 2 $12,345.57 $ lc_all=ja_jp.utf-8 ./a.out 0 ¥12,346 $ lc_all=ko_kr.utf-8 ./a.out 0 ₩12,346 $ lc_all=ru_ru.utf-8 ./a.out 2 12 3

html - hidden field in php -

for hidden fields, can use field of type <input type="hidden" name="field_name" value="<?php print $var; ?>"/> and retrieve after / post method $_get['field_name'] / $_post['field_name'] ? are there other ways of using hidden fields in php? you absolutely can, use approach lot w/ both javascript , php. field definition: <input type="hidden" name="foo" value="<?php echo $var;?>" /> access w/ php: $_get['foo'] or $_post['foo'] also: don't forget sanitize inputs if going database. feel free use routine: cheers!

windows - can't import python extension -

i'm trying learn python extensions, , created simple noddy example c file , python.exe build gives me: running build running build_ext building 'noddy' extension creating build creating build\temp.win32-2.7 creating build\temp.win32-2.7\release c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\bin\cl.exe /c /nologo /ox /md /w3 /gs- /dndebug -ic:\python27\include -ic:\python27\pc /tcnoddy.c /fobuild\temp.win32-2.7\release\noddy.obj noddy.c creating build\lib.win32-2.7 c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\bin\link.exe /dll /nologo /incremental:no /libpath:c:\python27\libs /libpath:c:\python27\pcbuild /export:initnoddy build\temp.win32-2.7\release\noddy.obj /out:build\lib.win32-2.7\noddy.pyd /implib:build\temp.win32-2.7\release\noddy.lib /manifestfile:build\temp.win32-2.7\release\noddy.pyd.manifest creating library build\temp.win32-2.7\release\noddy.lib , object build\temp.win32-2.7\release\noddy.exp c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8

javascript - Mediawiki: how to insert a <script>-Tag -

i'd insert flattr image in mediawiki installation. requires insert <script>...</script> section header of html file. have no clue, can insert this, can't find <head> -tag in file monobook.php . use current mediawiki software (1.16.2) , monobook style. can give me clue can insert required javascript? i have found solution: enable javascript $wgusesitejs = true; , insert flattr js in mediawiki:common.js .

Where can I find discussions regarding choice of Python issue trackers? -

is there somewhere summary of discussions regarding issue tracker choice python development? if not, have links such discussions? the python infrastructure committee once tasked propose new bug tracker python-dev, replacing sourceforge. brett cannon's report gives outcome. know: choice made roundup .

apache - PHP.ini does not load automatically even though it exists at the config location -

ok me not knowing enough php here goes. i'm on ubuntu hardy. have custom compiled version of php have compiled these parameters. ./configure --enable-soap --with-zlib --with-mysql --with-apxs2=[correct path] --with-config-file-path=[correct path] --with-mysqli --with-curlwrappers --with-curl --with-mcrypt i have used command pecl install pecl_http install extension. in correct module directory php.ini. php.ini loading , can change things within ini , effect php. have included line in php.ini. that worked fine. until added these compilation options in order add imap --with-openssl --with-kerberos --with-imap --with-imap-ssl which failed because needed c-client library fixed apt-get install libc-client-dev after php compiles fine , have working imap support, woo. however, calls httprequest part of pecl_http extention in result in fatal error: class 'httprequest' not found errors. figure module no longer load

php - 403 Forbidden Error While Sending GET Data -

my server linux server , reseller mine. can reach whm panel, . when data comes : a.php?url= return 403 forbidden. but if data comes : a.php? it's working. so, http:// generating error. how can fix ? also, returning 403 forbidden : a.php? thanks. this 1 of mod_security corerules . i've had same issue on previous host. don't remember rule name however. you should investigate core rules version. 2.1.1 current, , might have relaxed peculiar filter. if updating or reconfiguring doesn't else have base64_encode() url parameter (simpler encodings sniffed mod_security). secfilterdebuglog /var/log/apache2/modsec_log secfilterdebuglevel 4 enables debug logging of mod_security, can find out rule caused issue - if want disable (advisable).

PHP if statement with a MySQL query -

is there way if statement this: if ($password == mysql_query("select password member id = $id")) { // f00 } so mean is, if possible and/or practice have short query in if , instead of extracting db first. thanks! mysql_query returns resource wont work

networking - Can the MAC address of a mobile device be easily determined? -

this of general question, realistic assume router can resolve mobile device's mac address without being connected via wifi or bluetooth? if device broadcasting, or if it's connected access point, capturing wifi data allow capture device's mac address. routers aren't set listen in way, , don't think simple configure kind of behavior. in general, if device isn't connected wireless router/access point, aren't going able capture mac.

mysterious trouble with jQuery .animate() with step option -

not long ago have deal easy work: animate 2 elements together, moving second 1 according first element moving. not problem: .animate() step option makes well, , made work. troubles began when attempted inject code test-page real site. clarified main part of .animate() executed, function pointed step option not executed. reason of linking document script called interface.js ( it's used creating elements, fish-eye panel in case. link ( script type="text/javascript" src="..." etc) script "kills" animation (second part of it, step function), without calling its(interface.js) functions. illustrate trouble i've prepared little example: 2 red boxes positioned in opposite corners of rectangle, clicking on them starts animation, swapping places. html: <div id="container"> <div id="div1" class="box"></div> <div id="div2" class="box"><

Value matching in SAS IML -

say have vector x, , (short) list of values v match against. want find elements of x present in v. example, if x = {10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15}; v = {12 13}; i want obtain vector {3 4 5 6} , these being elements of x values either 12 or 13. there simple way this, without having explicit loop on elements of v? i assume in proc iml. use xsect function find intersection of 2 sets: z = xsect(x,v); (and if want difference, use setdif). btw, there discussion forum dedicated soley sas/iml questions:

c# - How to change wcf response type based on parameter? -

my wcf service request looks below: ../myservice.svc/search?q=keywords&op=xml ../myservice.svc/search?q=keywords&op=json so based on param op , response type should change. how accomplish this? here have complex article setting response in different formats. if using wcf 4 think setting automaticformatselectionenabled="true" in webhttpbehavior . automatically choose response format (xml or json) based on client's http accept header.

java - Authentication Servlet Filter -

i created java ee application tutorial: but not know libraries needed. these lines give me "cannot find symbol" errors: user user = userfacade.findbyusername(username); usertoken tok = authentication.authenticateuser(user, username, password); servletcontext context = filterconfig.getservletcontext(); and question. need add these files in tutorial? thanks. sorry bad english. you need add servlet api library project. if use maven manage dependency, here dependency setting: <dependency> <groupid>javax.servlet</groupid> <artifactid>servlet-api</artifactid> <version>2.5</version> </dependency> you may need change version of servlet api depending on version want use , whether servlet container support it. since creating java ee web application, guess servlet container should support version 3.0. normally, netbeans sh

ruby on rails - How to show if something is checked in a view using checkboxes? -

i'm working on test app users can create ideas. i'm trying give them option of selecting if idea recurring, using checkbox (see below): <div class= "field"> <%= check_box_tag(:recur) %> <%= label_tag(:recur, "recurring idea?") %> </div> then, in ideas index view, want display ideas column labeled "recurring?" in column want able show ideas recurring. currently, set :recur :string , perhaps should else? in ideas index view have code: <td><%= idea.recur? %></td> returns "false" in "recurring?" column ideas (checked , unchecked). i know line above wrong , i'm not sure if setup checkbox variable :recur correctly. please help! , i'd love guidance proper use of checkboxes inside views , how manipulate data chosen user. thanks! i think you've got disconnect between form , model. the best way implement create boolean field called recurring in

jquery - Trouble with $.getJSON - looks like arrays inside of arrays -

ok, i'm new jquery json stuff. i'm trying access actions > name node in below json output. looks "actions" array inside of "data" array. way getting json results can access "message" portion correctly using fb.message , can access "name" node under "from" . how access "name" node under "actions" array ? thanks help!! code: ({ "data": [{ "id": "1755670903_1287007912714", "from": { "name": "lifebridge church", "id": "1755670903" }, "message": "due weather, church service tomorrow canceled. see next week!", "icon": "", "actions": [ { "name": "\u00

How to allow any character in RegEx? -

current use following regex user enter password ^\w{8,16}$ now understand, \w allows a-z, a-z, 0-9 , _ character. want allow character length between 8 , 16. how doing it? thanx lot in advance :) firstly, use word count need rather regex. if must, .{8,16} should work, . matches single char, no matter is. edit: preempt next question surely be, password validation regular expression, might want check out of these blogs: or 'password validation stackoverflow' on google

assembly - Why does my code display rubbish? -

my code display rubbish when want print each of numbers in list well, wrong? output should this: the given array is:2g;4?pt why rubbish total number is:7 code assume cs:code , ds : data, ss: stk org 0000h data segment list db 2,23,11,4,15,32,"$" ; given array last element $ indicate end message1 db "the given array is:$" ;message 1 message2 db "the total number is:$" ;message 2 data ends ;stack segment stk segment stack db 512 dup (?) tos label word stk ends ; code segment code segment org 2000h start : mov dx, data mov ds, dx mov dx, stk mov ss, dx mov sp, offset tos xor ax, ax ; clear register xor bx, bx ; initialise index register lea dx, message1 mov ah, 9h int 21h lea si , list mov cl,0 mov al,"$" again: cmp al,[si] ; end of list je on mov dl, list[bx] ; move array numbers add dx, 30h ; conv