Forward Geocoding example Code for android? -

has developed code converting address lat/long value. getting confused geocoder. of great if can sample code, using below code. gives error no address found. not crashes

public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.main);          mymap = (mapview) findviewbyid(; // map xml         btnsearch = (button) findviewbyid(; // button xml         adress = (edittext) findviewbyid(; // address xml          gc = new geocoder(this); // create new geocoder instance          btnsearch.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {             public void onclick(view v) {                  pd =, "working..", "searching address", true, false); //show progress dialog                 //thread thread = new thread(simplegooglemaps.this); //then create new thread             //  thread.start(); //and start thread. automatically call standard run-function.                  searchadress = new thread() {                     public void run(){                         string addressinput = adress.gettext().tostring(); // input text                         try {                             foundadresses = gc.getfromlocationname(addressinput, 5); // search addresses                             thread.sleep(1500);                         } catch (exception e) {                             // @todo: show error message                         }                         showadressresults.sendemptymessage(0);                                           }                 };                 searchadress.start();              }         });     }      private handler showadressresults = new handler() {             @override             public void handlemessage(message msg) {                 pd.dismiss();                  if (foundadresses.size() == 0) { // if no address found,                     // display error                     dialog locationerror = new alertdialog.builder(                             simplegooglemaps.this).seticon(0).settitle(                             "error").setpositivebutton(r.string.ok, null)                             .setmessage(                                     "sorry, address doesn't exist.")                             .create();           ;                  } else { // else display address on map                     (int = 0; < foundadresses.size(); ++i) {                         // save results longitude , latitude                         // @todo: if more 1 result, show                         // select-list                         address x = foundadresses.get(i);                         lat = x.getlatitude();                         lon = x.getlongitude();                     }                     navigatetolocation((lat * 1000000), (lon * 1000000),mymap); // display found address                 }              }         };        /**      * navigates given mapview specified longitude , latitude      *       * @param latitude      * @param longitude      * @param mv      */     public static void navigatetolocation(double latitude, double longitude, mapview mv) {         geopoint p = new geopoint((int) latitude, (int) longitude); // new         // geopoint         mv.displayzoomcontrols(true); // display zoom (seems doesn't         // work yet)         mapcontroller mc = mv.getcontroller();         mc.animateto(p); // move map given point         int zoomlevel = mv.getmaxzoomlevel(); // detect maximum zoom level         mc.setzoom(zoomlevel - 1); // zoom         mv.setsatellite(false); // display "normal" mapview     } } 

may below link useful get lat , lon according address


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