assembly - Why does my code display rubbish? -

my code display rubbish when want print each of numbers in list well, wrong? output should this:

the given array is:2g;4?pt why rubbish
total number is:7


assume  cs:code , ds : data, ss: stk org 0000h  data segment   list db 2,23,11,4,15,32,"$"    ; given array last element $ indicate end  message1    db "the given array is:$"   ;message 1   message2    db "the total number is:$"  ;message 2   data ends  ;stack segment   stk segment stack   db  512 dup (?)   tos label   word   stk ends    ; code segment   code segment         org 2000h  start :   mov dx, data   mov ds, dx   mov dx, stk   mov ss, dx   mov sp, offset tos   xor ax, ax                  ; clear register   xor bx, bx                  ; initialise index register    lea dx, message1   mov ah, 9h int 21h  lea si , list  mov cl,0   mov al,"$"     again:    cmp al,[si]  ; end of list   je on   mov dl, list[bx]                ; move array numbers       add dx, 30h      ; convert number character.   mov ah, 2                   ;display number @ screen   int 21h    inc si   inc bx inc cl jmp again         over:     lea dx, message2   mov ah, 9h   int 21h    push cx           ; transfer cl dl int21/ah=2.   pop dx   add dx, 30h      ; convert number character.   mov ah, 02h      ; prints character in dl.   int 21h   mov ah, 4ch      ; exit.   int 21h    code ends     end start   

i think knew why whatever number greater 10 display character, how let display in number "13" dont display "="?

list db 2,23,11,4,15,32,"$" 

you not realizing values on 9 consists of more 1 numeral. that's why values 2 , 4 come out correct; display "2nd" , "4th" number characters, there no character number 23. need display number 2 and 3.

what need proper int string function output values ascii.


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