
Showing posts from June, 2014 mvc 3 - show all users same countdown -

i using javascript timer , want users see same countdown,example when first user login on page timer starting , users after see same timer. asp net mvc 3.0 here jquery countdown timer can sync server. if understood question. benefit re-phrasing.

objective c - NSCF Array Out of Bounds? -

i have simple application using core data, , couple array controllers (in ib, no code files them, other xcdatamodel file). when run application, following error in log (the app still runs, no window appears until go file > new document): 2011-02-08 18:45:10.434 myapp[35178:a0f] *** -[nscfarray objectatindex:]: index (0) beyond bounds (0 ) i have no references in mydocument.h or .m files array. error not critical (the app still runs), disables of code load last used document or (if doesn't exist) load fresh document. app loads no visible windows. greatly appreciate on , award answer :) edit: here applicationshouldopenuntitledfile code: - (bool)applicationshouldopenuntitledfile:(nsapplication *)sender { nsarray* urls = [[nsdocumentcontroller shareddocumentcontroller] recentdocumenturls]; if ([urls count] > 0){ nsurl *lasturl= [urls objectatindex: 0]; [[nsdocumentcontroller shareddocumentcontroller] opendocumentwithcontentsofurl:lasturl disp

Using jQuery themes (CSS) within jsFiddle -

has tried using of jquery themes in jsfiddle? i'm interested in using accordion widget theme having trouble implementing in jsfiddle. trouble is, believe themes require image files populate of effects, , suspicion jsfiddle has sort of issue that. resorted uploading custom css , js files jquery download, along images, onto personal home server , adding them managed resources. i'm getting functionality, not desired imagery. here's current fiddle: to see should like, checked jquery's "humanity" theme on ui site. the managed resources found here: (also images subdirectory). as far can tell, directory structure same (ie. css document refers images "images/whatever.png"), , organized such on server. any ideas? the fiddle uses theme linked in comments references required jquery ui css files. have in 'managed resources' tab on l

java - JSF index out of bounds exception when submiting a form -

when click submit button in jsf form following exception occurs. says indexout of bounds exception, did not use arraylist associated code. bug? should rid of error.. mojarra: 2.0.2 fcs primefaces 2.2 jsf: 2.0 netbeans ide 6.8 glassfish domain v3 form code: <p:panel id="jobres" style="min-width: 200px" header="reservation" widgetvar="jres" closable="true" toggleable="true" > <h:form id="arj" prependid="false" style="width:550px;max-height:400px;overflow:auto;"> <p:tooltip global="true"/> <h:panelgrid columns="2" > <p:panel style="min-width: 220px"> <h:outputlabel value="1.job type:"/> </p:panel>

geocoding in android map -

hi..i doing geocoding in android map.(i.e)getting address input user & locate particular point using this? my code public class simplegooglemaps extends mapactivity { geocoder geocoder=null; mapview mapview=null; @override protected boolean islocationdisplayed(){ return false; } @override protected boolean isroutedisplayed(){ return false; } @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); mapview=(mapview)findviewbyid(; mapview.setbuiltinzoomcontrols(true); button geobtn=(button)findviewbyid(; geocoder=new geocoder(this); geobtn.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener(){ @override public void onclick(view srg0){ try{ edittext loc=(edittext)findviewbyid(; string locationname=loc.gettext().tostring(); list<address>addresslist=geocoder.getfromlocationname(locationname,5); if(addresslist!=null && addresslis

related to php arithmetic -

$y = 013; echo $y + 5; //this result in 16 i can not figure out how ans 16? can 1 help? because 013 isn't decimal (base 10). it's octal (base 8). value in decimal is: (0 * 8^2) + (1 * 8^1) + (3 * 8^0) = 0 + 8 + 3 = 11 which gives correct (though unexpected, @ least you) result of 16 when added 5. moral of story: don't prepend number literal 0 unless know means

delphi - App staying behind taskbar when starting in fullscreen -

this code i'm using: borderstyle := bsnone; windowstate := wsmaximized; my problem application won't cover taskbar, go behind it. it works fine when switching fullscreen @ runtime, doesn't work when starting app @ system startup. update it turns out 2 lines work well. in formshow event handler. if break point until end of formshow, application seems in fullscreen; can see application trough taskbar. after formshow application's top property gets changed somehow. don't change in code - value -20, application not maximized anymore. is there way track or when changed? thanks in advance! update this post flagged. please not post answers! thank you. change param style, according msdn blog: procedure tform1.createparams(var params: tcreateparams); begin inherited; := ws_popup or ws_visible; //will overlay taskbar end; procedure tform1.formcreate(sender:

java - Question about Google Web Toolkit (GWT) and pre-processing of dynamic data in HTML page -

i'm new gwt , new doing java web development, using spring mvc, , wondering if can clarify me have been searching extensively still not clear on this. when doing php / javascript development use php dynamically populate within javascript (such javascript variable) on page load. seems me not done gwt , instead gwt app deployed user's browser , gwt client side app makes rpc calls retrieve necessary data... right dynamic data isn't put gwt page on page load? i appreciate clarification on have spent lot of time looking , don't want keep trying (the dynamic data in gwt code on page load) if not possible or not idea. thanks gwt apps output html, can page before or while gwt app running. for example gwt app declare native js code this: private native dosomething() /*-{ dosomethingjs(); }-*/; where dosomething() called gwt app @ runtime , in turn invokes js function called dosomethingjs() (manipulate dom, popup dialog, validate field, whatever). y

memory - How to implement a huge matrix in C -

i'm writing program numerical simulation in c. part of simulation spatially fixed nodes have float value each other node. directed graph. however, if 2 nodes far away, (farther cut-off length a) value 0. to represent these "correlations" or float values, tried use 2d array, since have 100.000 , more nodes, correspond 40gb memory or so. now, trying think of different solustions problem. don't want save these values on harddisk. don't want calculate them on fly. 1 idea sort of sparse matrix, 1 one can use in matlab. do have other ideas, how store these values? i new c, please don't expect experience. thanks , best regards, jan oliver how many nodes, on average, within cutoff distance given node determines memory requirement , tells whether need page disk. solution taking least memory hash table maps pair of nodes distance. since distance same each way, need enter hash table once pair -- put 2 node numbers in numerical order , combine them

ruby on rails - How to rollback database migration on Heroku -

i deployed code , database changes heroku , roll back. have releases add-on , able roll code not database. didn't backup database can't restore. tried "heroku rake db:rollback" didn't anything. knows? you have run heroku rake db:rollback while updated code has .down migration deployed heroku. after that, can rollback code .

Why are there different Ruby On Rails versions? -

disclaimer : totally new ruby on rails planning learning it. this morning have been reading there 2 new ruby on rails releases (2.3.11 , 3.0.4). i don't understand why people (the ror community) working (maintaining) different versions ? benefits developpers ? active development not being done on 2.x branch. however, there lots , lots , lots of deployed 2.x applications in wild, , given yesterday's releases security-related patches, provided patch 2.x users. upgrading rails application 2.x 3.x not easy or trivial, , it's unreasonable expect solution security hole, 2.3.11 release made instead.

Need to change ringtone settings of iPhone through my app -

my requirement in app set ringtone of iphone through app. choose ringtone application , has reflected in iphone ringtone setting.. can me in this. in advance. you cannot on current sdk

Export PDF pages to a series of images in Java -

i need export pages of arbitrary pdf document series of individual images in jpeg/png/etc format. need in in java. although know itext, pdfbox , various other java pdf libraries, hoping pointer working example, or how-to. thanks. here 1 way it, combining code fragments around web. how draw pdf image? creating buffered image image original: updated: how convert buffered image image , vice-versa? saving generated graphic png or jpeg file original: updated: combined works turn pages images: import com.sun.pdfview.pdffile; import com.sun.pdfview.pdfpage; import; import java.awt.graphicsconfiguration; import java.awt.graphicsdevice; import java.awt.graphicsenvironment; import java.awt.headlessexceptio

Select first item in Silverlight combobox using MVVM pattern -

this first foray in mvvm , i've encountered following issue: i've got viewmodel: public list<workcellgroupinfo> workcellgroupinfocollection { { return _workcellgroupinfocollection; } set { _workcellgroupinfocollection = value; notifypropertychanged( "workcellgroupinfocollection" ); selectedworkcellgroup = _workcellgroupinfocollection.firstordefault(); } } public workcellgroupinfo selectedworkcellgroup { { return _selectedworkcellgroup; } set { _selectedworkcellgroup = value; notifypropertychanged( "selectedworkcellgroup" ); } } and xaml: <combobox x:name="workcellgroup" itemssource="{binding workcellgroupinfocollection}" selecteditem="{binding selectedworkcellgroup, mode=twoway}" displaymemberpath="n

java - where to store the user credentials in an enterprise application(EAI)? -

background/context we developing event notification service . application @ high level looks below: our developene scope involves widget , ens. " ens " acts central point of collection types of events of interest users. user wants know when these types of events occur registers ens, identifies events in order , matches notifications subscriptions. the user wants subscibe should valid user of intergrated application(db, sap system etc) the sequence of events: now question is: what best pracitces in storing users db, sap etc credentials. edit how should user authenticated? should everytime messages delivered?(as @duffymo mentioned, if use strategy, affect source system) additional info: ens web-services. ens polls sap(and other applications) , problem becoming more complex. in sap there data-level authorization. not users allowed see events/data. if sap has pushed data, along user info has authorized see, no issues @ all. case 1: scheduler init

java me - Is it possible to add malayalam font in Midlet programming? -

i want add malayalam font in programming codes. but not able find in midlet programming. please me solve issue. midp defines nothing fonts. system-specific extension, depend on device you're targeting. it's not possible install new fonts programmatically on these devices.

iphone - Does iOS 4.2 SDK supports custom fonts? -

i've been trying use custom fonts on xcode 4.2 sdk, using method: although technically i'm sure did right, simulator didn't display font. makes me wonder whether feature still supported in latest sdk, since tutorials use previous sdks. titanium forum complained same thing. anyone had success using custom fonts on 4.2? the short answer: yes does. yes, have. maybe did overlook something? where trying use font? have tried [uifont fontwithname:@"bla"] ? or trying display in html?

javascript - Help me understand how to attach function to events -

// param {name:'name', click : function(ev[,arg1, arg2] ){}, focus:function(ev[,arg1, arg2] ){} } togglebutton = function(params) { var btn = document.getelementid(; // how hook above click function passed using // params , pass additional params along function(ev[,arg1,arg2]) btn.onclick =; } i trying implement extended link button act toggle button. able attach event specified above not getting how attach buttons can enjoy code below? new togglebutton({name: 'toggle1', "click" : function(evt, obj1, obj1){ //function body } }); i way: <a href="foo.html" id="toggle1">toogle</a> var togglebutton = function(params) { var btn = document.getelementbyid(; var evt = 'on' + params.evt; btn[evt] = params.action; return; } togglebutton({ id: 'toggle1', evt: '

Is it possible to know the datatype of the column returned from Stored Proc records set from -

is possible datatype of column stored procedure in environment. suppose have defined table name , id . name having datatype of varchar(20), , id of type int. now prespective when executereader, possible know datatypes of columns? any sample/pseudo code or link helpful thanks it's been while since did this, istr executereader gives sqldatareader object. object has getdatatypename method returns string type of column.

accordion - jQuery Accordian that needs to open / close with tick boxes, and stay open if box is ticked -

little needed if possible. think i'm close can't quite figure out. title says, need have few tickboxes, if box ticked accordion effect kick in , reveal textarea. if box ticked, need accordion stay open. if box un-ticked, need accordion close up. html ` solid foundations (the wheel) where compliant no further comment necessary. not yet compliant please provide more information. <div class="checkbutton two"> <label><input type="checkbox" />getting grips governance (the wheel)</label> </div><!--checkbutton--> <div class="textareaaccordion two"> <p><span class

floating point - how to perform high precision calculations in D? -

for universitary work have approximate numbers - euler 1 series. therefore have add small numbers, have problems precision. if number ist small doesn't influence result. real s; //sum of previous terms ulong k; //factorial s += 1.0/ k; after each step, k gets smaller, after 10th round result isn't changeing anymore , stuck @ 2.71828 if need solution run using native types should able reasonable results trying add numbers of similar magnitude. 1 way compute first x terms of series, , repeatedly replace 2 smallest numbers there sum: auto data = real[n]; foreach(i, ref v; data) { v = fn(i); } while(data.length > 1) { data.sort(); // iirc .sort deprecated forget replaced it. data[1] += data[0]; data = data[1..$]; } return data[0]; (a min heap make bit faster.)

java - making apache lenya work with mysql -

i new java ... per documentation of apache lenya doesnot use db default can configured use db.. can suggest manual configuring apache lenya work mysql....? please see below link, might provide bit insights. click here

c# - ThreadState exception occurs when showing a form -

i have form take few seconds load. therefore, want show little form text 'loading, please wait'. when form finished loading, loading form must closed. so, made simple class shows loading form in thread: public class showloadingform { thread _thread; public void show() { try { _thread = new thread(new threadstart(showform)); _thread.setapartmentstate(apartmentstate.sta); _thread.isbackground = true; _thread.start(); } catch (exception ex) { errormessages.unknownerror(true, ex); } } private void showform() { loadingform f = new loadingform(); f.topmost = true; f.showintaskbar = true; f.settext(" loading... ");; } public void close() { _thread.abort(); } } in main form have: _loadingform = new showloadingform();; but. after piece of

ruby on rails - Insert value corresponding to foreign key in View (executing the application)? -

i'm beginner in rails. while i'm reading documentation , tutorials porting simple application have in production in language (java generated genexus) i'm building employee shift tracker, have 2 tables: users , shifts, these associations class user < activerecord::base has_many :shifts end class shift < activerecord::base belongs_to :user end i added corresponding user_id in shift model when creating sqlite database. my problem that, when trying insert new record via new view, "user_id" field doesn't validate correctly valid user_id number try write. i'm supposed insert in field? (in current running application in java field accept user_id value ) when tryng insert value inside "user" field in "shifts" view, following error user(#63152640) expected, got string(#19315740) here's view source new.html.erb <h1>new shift</h1> <%= render 'form' %> <%= link_to 'ba

How to Get the SelectedValue of Combox inside an DataGridTemplateColumn in wpf Datagrid? -

i have datagridtemplate column combox inside it.i want selected value of combox in particular row when cllick on save button oputside datagrid. that not approach since cannot directly access rows or controls visualize them selection. i'd suggest use events signal changes should committed or similar that.

regex - Remove substring till first Token using regexp -

i have path: garbagecontainingslashesanddots/token/xyz/token/abc how coukt remove garbagecontainingslashesanddots? know, before token, unfortunately, there 2 substrings token in string. using sed s/.*token// makes string /abc , need /token/xyz/token/abc thank you!!! divide , conquer: $ echo 'garbage.containing/slashes/and.dots/token/xyz/token/abc' | sed -n 's|/token/|\n&|;s/.*\n//;p' /token/xyz/token/abc

android - Hint Not Displaying When numeric="integer" in EditText -

the title question. anybody know solution? please me. shaiful the xml attribute android:numeric not boolean value , "true" not valid parameter, must 1 ore more of "integer", "signed", "decimal". per sample you've posted, issue due choice of adding gravity center text. there known bug in sdk that, of 2.3, looks still not fixed. bug hides hint text when android:singleline , custom value of android:gravity set together. choice @ juncture remove 1 or other. workaround options: remove android:gravity declaration , have text left-aligned. keep declaration , remove android:singleline. in case, have override editor action in order default next or done button on soft keypad. remove android:gravity , , set layout_width="wrap_content" . appropriately center entire widget in parent layout. may little goofy standard edittext background grow , shrink. may have set null , make background part of parent cont

java - Create conveniently Bold version of Font -

does know whether there convenient way, method perhaps take font instance , return bold version? thank help. use font.derivefont() font original = getoriginalfont(); font bold = original.derivefont(font.bold);

sql - Get and store execution time in Oracle -

is there way , store execution time of select? select * table1 thank you, radu. oracle provides timing command check execution time taken query.

c# - Impersonation memory leak -

on there example on how impersonation .net 4.0. have used example in class inherits idisposable ease of use. however, when use class in web application, notice slight steady increase of pool paged bytes in performance monitor. after week, application crashes. i've tried different implementations of impersonation-class, using , reference, show same leak. where leak come from? there problem windows api? running windows 2008 r2. this our current version of impersonation class: public class impersonator : idisposable { public impersonator(string username, string domain, string password) { if (!impersonatevaliduser(username, domain, password)) { throw new securityexception("could not impersonate. wrong username / password"); } } public voi

Adding new styles into external css sheet not html? -

i beginner , have simple question - creating site html / css using dreamweaver cs4. have created html page includes divs elements want on page, , attached style sheet it. when click on new css style rule of elements, modifies html. modify css instead, css rules automatically go attached style sheet. i appreciate advice on how this. in advance. (what need @ 7:30) when add css rule, should ask if want add "in document only" or in css. - Troubles using .net ScriptManager for Ajax -

i'm trying use scriptmanager in .net visual web developer 2010, every time run website, error message appears: could not load file or assembly 'fsharp.core, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or 1 of dependencies. o sistema não pode encontrar o arquivo especificado. (system couldn't find specifyed file). line 7: </asp:content> line 8: <asp:content id="content2" contentplaceholderid="maincontent" runat="server"> line 9: <asp:scriptmanager id="scriptmanager1" runat="server"/> line 10: <div> line 11: <ajaxtoolkit:accordion id="accordion1" selectedindex = "0" runat="server" headercssclass="accordionheader" hheaderselectedcssclass="accordionheaderselected" contentcssclass="accordioncontent" autosize="none" fadetransitions="true" transitionduration="250" f

html - Handling multiple <input>s with the same name in spring-mvc -

please take @ codes below. 4 text boxes displayed. if input "1" , "2" former text-boxes, these binded comma-separated "1,2" expected. however, if input "2001/01/01" , "2001/01/02" in rest of two-boxes binded "2001/01/01". "2001/01/01" binded surprisingly. first parameter seems having priority bind. i want know defined specifications(http or springmvc or ...?) in order understand , accurately. can me? form public class sampleform { private string name; private date date; public date getdate() { return date; } public void setdate(date date) { = date; } public string getname() { return name; } public void setname(string name) { = name; } } jsp <form:form modelattribute="form" method="post"> <form:input path="name" /> <form:input path="name" />

python - Intelligently calculating chart tick positions -

whatever i'm using matplotlib, open-flash-charts or other charts frameworks end needing find way set x/y scales limits , intervals since builtins not enough smart (or not @ all...) just try in pylab (ipyhton -pylab) understand mean: in [1]: a, b, x = np.zeros(10), np.ones(10), np.arange(10) in [2]: plot(x, a); plot(x, b) you'll see , empty frame grid hiding 2 horizontal lines under it's top , bottom borders. i wonder if there algorithm around (that can port python) set smartly top , bottom y limits , steps , calculate every how many values show x thick. for example, let's have 475 measures (datetime, temperature) (x, y) with 2011-01-15 10:45:00 < datetime < 2011-01-17 02:20:00 (one every 5 minutes) and 26.5 < temperature < 28.3 my suggestion particular case set: 26.4 <= y_scale <= 28.4 thick every .2 and tick on x_scale every 12 items (once per hour). but if have 20 measures on 20 days -21.5 < temperature < 3

jsf 2 - Initialize Managed Bean from view -

i having difficult time dealing scope should use on application. i using primefaces using initial view layout. outside of layout have dialogs used many different managed beans. within layout have header, footer navgiation on left , current view in center. view looks follows: <h:body id=body"> <p:layoutunit id=head" position="top"> <ui:insert name="header"> </p:layoutunit> <p:layoutunit id=head" position="bottom"> <ui:insert name="footer"> </p:layoutunit> <p:layoutunit id=head" position="left"> <ui:insert name="menu"> </p:layoutunit> <p:layoutunit id=head" position="right"> <ui:insert name="main"> </p:layoutunit> <p:dialog widgetvar="addaddressdialog" header="add new address"> <h:form id="inse

osx - How can I configure git help to use Firefox? -

i using git on windows box , git bash used web version help. liked , trying same on mac. i ran: $ git config --global help.format web $ git config --global web.browser firefox and output of help command is: $ browser firefox not available 'firefox'. i set: $ git config --global browser.firefox.path /applications/ since have firefox open, cries: a copy of firefox open. 1 copy of firefox can open @ time. the real command git use open -a somefile . tried setting browser.firefox.cmd no avail. my question: how can configure git use web version , call/use firefox in way won't cause issue if it's open? i guess can't override command known browser. worked using browser name not firefox : git config --global web.browser ff git config --global browser.ff.cmd "open -a"

c# - Linq query summing dates in range -

trying work out if there's nice way of doing this, preferably in linq rather loops, i've done now. i want number of days product active between 2 dates. product has many producthistories, producthistory has values dateactive , dateinactive. dateinactive can null, , be, show history ongoing. histories won't overlap. i want sum maximum of startdate or producthistory's dateactive, , subtract total sum of minimum of enddate or producthistory's dateinactive (enddate default if dateinactive has no value). worked example: get active number of active days between 2011-01-01 (1st jan) , 2011-02-01 (1st feb) histories: active 2010-12-25 : inactive 2011-01-05 active 2011-01-15 : inactive 2011-01-20 active 2011-01-25 : inactive null this should total 16 days (4 + 5 + 7) my best @ moment rather ugly: dim integer = (from h in histories select if(h.activedate > startdate, h.activedate, startdate)).sum(function(d) d.ticks) / timespan.ticks

shader - Use index as coordinate in OpenGL -

i want implement timeseries viewer allows user zoom , smoothly pan. i've done immediate mode opengl before, that's deprecated in favor of vbos. examples of vbos can find store xyz coordinates of each , every point. i suspect need keep data in vram in order framerate during pan can called "smooth", have y data (the dependent variable). x independent variable can calculated index, , z constant. if have store x , z memory requirements (both buffer size , cpu->gpu block transfer) tripled. , have tens of millions of data points through user can pan, memory usage non-trivial. is there technique either drawing 1-d vertex array, index used other coordinate, or storing 1-d array (probably in texture?) , using shader program generate xyz? i'm under impression need simple shader anyway under new fixed-feature-less pipeline model implement scaling , translation, if combine generation of x , z coordinates , scaling/translation of y ideal. is possible? kno

osx - Packing a Chrome Extension crashes on a Mac with a "Bus error" -

packs fine interactively via chrome://extensions command: /applications/google\\ chrome --pack-extension=chrome_ext/src-development/ ----pack-extension-key=chrome_ext/src-development.pem --no-message-box crashes chrome a bus error chrome 9.0.597.94 osx 10.6.6 does still happen, shouldn't happen? if can file bug please detailed steps? once do, please comment can place proper tags chromium devs can triage accordingly.

sql server - Delete after insert inside transaction -

i have inherited nightmarish wtf sproc inserts 300k rows table of outbound marketing emails. want not queue messages email addresses bouncing. have separate table of bouncing emails. the right way modify sproc not insert rows bouncing email. nobody wants touch nightmarish clusterfuck particular sproc. considering adding delete command sproc thusly. begin transaction --400+ lines of nightmarish wtf t-sql, string , xml replacement nonsense goes here-- delete emailqueueitems toaddress in (select emailstatuses inner join emaileventtypes on emaileventtypes.emaileventtypeid = emailstatuses.emaileventtypeid emaileventtypes.cansendmarketing = 0) commit transaction so.... work? can delete inserts table before transaction commits? yes, can insert records, , delete same, table within transaction. try sample proof of concept: declare @foo table (id int) begin tran insert @foo values (1),(2),(3)

mysql - How to get records with first letter that match one of three letters -

i retrieve records who's first letter match either a, b or c. should match whether caps or not. example: $sql = "select id, title tblname first letter of title in (a, b, c) order title asc"; any appreciated. thanks select id, title tblname title regexp '^[abc]' order title asc

c# - Hide Repeater columns based on user privileges -

can explain me how hide repeater column based on user privileges. say have: <asp:repeater id="repeater" runat="server> <headertemplate> <table id="table_id"> <tr> <th>name</th> <th>secret info</th> <tr> </headertemplate> <itemtemplate> <tr> <td><asp:label id="label1" runat="server" text='<%# eval("name") %>' /></td> <td><asp:label id="label1" runat="server" text='<%# eval("secretinfo") %>' /></td> <tr> <itemtemplate> <alternatingitemtemplate> <tr> <td><asp:label id="label1" runat="server" text='<%# eval("name") %>' /></td> <td><asp:label id="label1" runat="server

design patterns - Is there any reason for an object pool to not be treated as a singleton? -

i don't mean implemented using singleton pattern, rather, having , using 1 instance of pool. don't idea of having 1 pool (or 1 per pooled type). however, can't come concrete situations there's advantage multiple pools for mutable types , @ least not single pool can function well. what advantages there having multiple pools on singleton pool? what advantages there having multiple pools on singleton pool? i supposed object pools use, threadpool, implemented singletons simplicity: in that, designers of pools didn't see purpose in multiple-instance pools either. however, there handful of places have multiple pools: iis application pools , database connection pools. app pools in iis, can configure multiple application pools, related web applications run in own pool. there couple of advantages design, , advantages can generalize pool implementations outside of iis: multiple object pools allow degree of isolation, error in 1 pool should not

visual studio 2005 - Breakpoints in Script Task -

why breakpoints set in script tasks of ssis package (vs2005) being ignored?? created new package, added 1 simple script task it, , no matter set breakpoints in task, being ignored. please!!! seems known bug , there several workarounds, depending on how running package , what's going on in background. thread has lot of information it: hope has work you!