html - Handling multiple <input>s with the same name in spring-mvc -

please take @ codes below. 4 text boxes displayed.

if input "1" , "2" former text-boxes, these binded comma-separated "1,2" expected.

however, if input "2001/01/01" , "2001/01/02" in rest of two-boxes binded "2001/01/01". "2001/01/01" binded surprisingly. first parameter seems having priority bind.

i want know defined specifications(http or springmvc or ...?) in order understand , accurately. can me?

form public class sampleform {      private string name;      private date date;      public date getdate() {         return date;     }      public void setdate(date date) { = date;     }      public string getname() {         return name;     }      public void setname(string name) { = name;     } }  jsp <form:form modelattribute="form" method="post">     <form:input path="name" />     <form:input path="name" />     <form:input path="date" />     <form:input path="date" />     <p>         <input type="submit" name="register" value="register" />     </p> </form:form> 

it's logical. multiple strings can represented 1 string being comma-separated. multiple date objects can't represented 1 date object.

you can try using string[] , date[] instead.


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