osx - How can I configure git help to use Firefox? -

i using git on windows box , git bash used web version help. liked , trying same on mac.

i ran:

$ git config --global help.format web $ git config --global web.browser firefox 

and output of help command is:

$ browser firefox not available 'firefox'. 

i set:

$ git config --global browser.firefox.path /applications/firefox.app/contents/macos/firefox-bin 

since have firefox open, cries:

a copy of firefox open. 1 copy of firefox can open @ time.

the real command git use open -a firefox.app somefile. tried setting browser.firefox.cmd no avail.

my question: how can configure git use web version , call/use firefox in way won't cause issue if it's open?

i guess can't override command known browser. worked using browser name not firefox:

git config --global web.browser ff git config --global browser.ff.cmd "open -a firefox.app" 


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