c# - Combinations of strings of n lists -

i want build combinations of strings in multiple lists. have 3 parameters included. these "and", "or", "equal".

for example, have following 3 lists:

list 1: "india", "china", "iran"

list 2: "hindi", "english", "chinese"

list 3: "forest", "desert", "river"

the output should be

 india or hindi or forest india , hindi , forest india equal hindi equal forest india or china  or hindi india , china  , hindi india  equal china  equal hindi  iran or english or river iran , english , river iran equal english equal river 

and on ...

the number of lists , number of strings in lists not fixed.

i'd prefer recursive solution.

i think you'll first need create combinations of words , last step apply each of keywords between them.

for each item in current list, if list last insert keywords, else recurse next list of words current.


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