build - building a jar and including it in a zip with maven-assembly-plugin -

i have mavenized java project (maven2) want build jar, easy enough supplying jar-with-dependencies descriptorref in pom.xml.

however need deploy project in zip .exe , .bat files, among others, bin folder call jar. (i using tanuki not matter use case think)

in other words, need build in first sources (and dependencies) packaged jar , jar put zip additional files bin folder.

what should put in pom.xml , 'assembly'.xml?

maven-assembly-plugin right tool that.

you have declare plugin in "build" section of pom, , create configuration file "assembly.xml" @ root of project. in file, define content of zip file.

the configuration options described on official site:

here basic configuration example of plugin should suit needs.

pom config :

<plugin>     <artifactid>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactid>     <configuration>         <finalname>zipfile</finalname>         <descriptors>             <descriptor>${basedir}/assembly.xml</descriptor>         </descriptors>     </configuration>     <executions>         <execution>             <id>make-assembly</id>             <phase>package</phase>             <goals>                 <goal>single</goal>             </goals>         </execution>     </executions> </plugin> 

assembly config :

<assembly>     <formats>         <format>zip</format>     </formats>      <filesets>         <fileset>             <directory>to_complete</directory>             <outputdirectory />             <includes>                 <include>**/*.jar</include>                 <include>**/*.bat</include>                 <include>**/*.exe</include>             </includes>         </fileset>     </filesets> </assembly> 


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