VB.NET CType: How do I use CType to change an object variable "obj" to my custom class that I reference using a string variable like obj.GetType.Name? -

the code below works class hard coded "xccustomers" in retrieveidandname method use ctype. however, able pass in various classes , property names integer , string list returned. example, in code below, pass in "xcemployees" retrieveidandname method. feel close... hoping knew how use ctype can pass in class name string variable.

note, other examples have seen , tried fail because using option strict on disallows late binding. why need use ctype. studied "activator.createinstance" code examples try class reference instance string name unable ctype work that.

when use obj.gettype.name or obj.gettype.fullname in place of "xccustomers" in ctype(obj, xccustomers)(i) error "type 'obj.gettype.name' not defined" or "type 'obj.gettype.fullname' not defined"

thanks help.


'+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  imports datalaasxc.business  imports datalaasxc.utilities  public class uccustomerlist   'here calling method:  public sub callingsub()        dim customerlist new xccustomers()       dim customeridandname new list(of xccustomer) = retrieveidandname(customerlist, "customerid", " customername")       'this code below fails because had hard code “xccustomer” in “dim item...” section of retrieveemployeesidandname method.       dim employeelist new xcemployees()       dim employeeidandname new list(of xcemployee) = retrieveidandname(employeelist, "employeeid", " employeename")       'doing stuff here...  end sub  'here method use class name string when use ctype: private function retrieveidandname(byval obj object, byval idpropname string, byval namepropname string) list(of intstringpair)      dim selecteditems list(of intstringpair) = new list(of intstringpair)      dim fullyqualifiedclassname string = obj.gettype.fullname     dim count integer = cint(obj.gettype().getproperty("count").getvalue(obj, nothing))      if (count > 0)         integer = 0 count - 1             'rather hard coding “xccustomer” below, want use “obj.gettype.name”???             dim item intstringpair = new intstringpair(cint(ctype(obj, xccustomers)(i).gettype().getproperty("customerid").getvalue(ctype(obj, xccustomers)(i), nothing)), _      cstr(ctype(obj, xccustomers)(i).gettype().getproperty("customername").getvalue(ctype(obj, xccustomers)(i), nothing)))              selecteditems.add(item)         next     end if      return selecteditems end function  end class 


' below supporting classes if need see else happening:

namespace datalaasxc.utilities      public class intstringpair         public sub new(byval _key integer, byval _value string)             value = _value             key = _key         end sub          public property value string         public property key integer     end class end namespace  '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  namespace datalaasxc.business      public class xccustomer         public property customerid integer         public property customername string     end class end namespace  '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  namespace datalaasxc.business      public class xccustomers         inherits list(of xccustomer)         public sub new()            populatecustomersfromdatabase()        end sub         public sub new(byval getempty boolean)        end sub     end class end namespace  '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  namespace datalaasxc.business      public class xcemployee         public property employeeid integer         public property employeename string     end class end namespace  '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  namespace datalaasxc.business      public class xcemployees         inherits list(of xcemployee)         public sub new()            populateemployeesfromdatabase()        end sub         public sub new(byval getempty boolean)        end sub     end class end namespace 

since list(of t) implements non-generic ilist interface, change function declaration to:

private function retrieveidandname(byval obj system.collections.ilist, byval idpropname string, byval namepropname string) list(of intstringpair) 

and troublesome line become (with using property name parameters):

dim item intstringpair = new intstringpair(cint(obj(i).gettype().getproperty(idpropname).getvalue(obj(i), nothing)), _ cstr(obj(i).gettype().getproperty(namepropname).getvalue(obj(i), nothing))) 

of course, still have first parameter object, , attempt cast ilist, that's you.


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