Easiest way to cause memory leak in Java? -

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creating memory leak java

what's easiest way cause java memory leak?

you cannot "leak memory" in java unless you:

  • intern strings
  • generate classes
  • leak memory in native code called jni
  • keep references things not want in forgotten or obscure place.

i take interested in last case. common scenarios are:

  • listeners, done inner classes
  • caches.

a nice example to:

  • build swing gui launches potentially unlimited number of modal windows;
  • have modal window during initialization:
     staticguihelper.getmainapplicationframe().getoneofthebuttons().addactionlistener(new actionlistener(){   public void actionperformed(actionevent e){      // nothing...   } }) 

the registered action nothing, cause modal window linger in memory forever, after closing, causing leak - since listeners never unregistered, , each anonymous inner class object holds reference (invisible) outer object. what's more - object referenced modal windows have chance of leaking too.

this why libraries such eventbus use weak references default.

apart listeners, other typical examples caches, cannot think of nice example.


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