jsf - ui: repeat + p: datatable question -

i displaying multiple p:datatable 's through ui:repeat, following code snippet illustrates doing:

<ui:repeat id="searchtables"     value="#{searchbean.mapkeys}"     var="mapkeys">          <p:datatable id="recordtable"             value="#{searchbean.resultmap[mapkeys].resultlist}"             var="recordtable"             paginator="true"             rows="10">                  <f:facet name="header">                       <h:outputtext value="#{searchbean.resultmap[mapkeys].name}"/>                  </f:facet>                     <p:columns value="#{searchbean.resultmap[mapkeys].resultcolumns}"                                var="column"                                columnindexvar="colindex">                         <f:facet name="header">                             <p:outputpanel>                                 #{column.header}                             </p:outputpanel>                         </f:facet>                         <h:outputtext value="#{recordtable[column.property]}"/><br/>                     </p:columns>          </p:datatable>  </ui:repeat> 

i need each individual datatable have own paginator, when page displayed first datatable gets paginator , paginator controls other displayed datatables pages..

thanks attention!

the way found use 2 p:datatable tags, parent 1 1 column. couldn't make work p:datalist. guess p:datalist extending same bogus class.

should work this:

<p:datatable id="searchtables"     value="#{searchbean.mapkeys}"     var="mapkeys">     <p:column>          <p:datatable id="recordtable"             value="#{searchbean.resultmap[mapkeys].resultlist}"             var="recordtable"             paginator="true"             rows="10">                  <f:facet name="header">                       <h:outputtext value="#{searchbean.resultmap[mapkeys].name}"/>                  </f:facet>                     <p:columns value="#{searchbean.resultmap[mapkeys].resultcolumns}"                                var="column"                                columnindexvar="colindex">                         <f:facet name="header">                             <p:outputpanel>                                 #{column.header}                             </p:outputpanel>                         </f:facet>                         <h:outputtext value="#{recordtable[column.property]}"/><br/>                     </p:columns>          </p:datatable>     </p:column>       </p:datatable> 


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