html - ActiveX Calendar Control Not Working In Windows 7 -

we have classic asp application uses following calendar object:

<html> <body bgcolor="lightgrey"> <object id=calendar1 style="left: 0px; top: 0px"      classid="clsid:8e27c92b-1264-101c-8a2f-040224009c02" viewastext>     <param name="_version" value="524288">     <param name="_extentx" value="7620">     <param name="_extenty" value="5080">     <param name="_stockprops" value="1">     <param name="backcolor" value="-2147483633">     <param name="year" value="2002">     <param name="month" value="10">     <param name="day" value="29">     <param name="daylength" value="1">     <param name="monthlength" value="2">     <param name="dayfontcolor" value="0">     <param name="firstday" value="1">     <param name="gridcelleffect" value="1">     <param name="gridfontcolor" value="10485760">     <param name="gridlinescolor" value="-2147483632">     <param name="showdateselectors" value="-1">     <param name="showdays" value="-1">     <param name="showhorizontalgrid" value="-1">     <param name="showtitle" value="-1">     <param name="showverticalgrid" value="-1">     <param name="titlefontcolor" value="10485760">     <param name="valueisnull" value="0"></object> </body> </html> 

this works fine on windows xp machine using ie7/8. however, not work on windows 7 machine using ie8. os issue , calendar object needs updated or else entirely? ideas?

we ended using jquery datepicker instead. (

thanks time everyone!


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