Data warehouse for user data - design Q -
how best store user data vs date/time dimension? usecase trying store user actions per day, per hour. such number of shares, likes, friends etc. have time table , date table. time easy - have each row = user_id , colunms = 1 24 each hour of day. problem dates. if give each day = 1 colunm have 365 colunms year. cannot archive data way either because analytic needs past data too. other strategies?
dimdate : 1 row per date dimtime : 1 row per minute
at beginning have state "grain" of fact table , stick it.
if grain 1 day, timekey
points key of "23:59".
if grain 1 hour, timekey
points entries of "hh:59".
if grain 1 minute, timekey
points respective "hh:mm"
if grain 15 minutes, timekey
points respective "hh:14", "hh:29", "hh:44", "hh:59"
and on...
-- how many new friends did specific user gain -- in first 3 months of years 2008, 2009 , 2010 -- between hours 3 , 5 in morning -- day of week -- not counting holidays ? select dayofweek , sum(newfriends) friendcount factuseraction f join dbo.dimuser u on u.userkey = f.userkey join dbo.dimdate d on d.datekey = f.datekey join dbo.dimtime t on t.timekey = f.timekey calendaryear between 2008 , 2010 , monthnumberinyear between 1 , 3 , t.hour between 3 , 5 , d.isholiday = 'no' , useremail = '' group dayofweek order dayofweek ;
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