arduino - Error while filehandling in Blender using Python -

i'm trying read data in blender external device connected arduino , save onto file. gives error

syntaxerror: invalid syntax python script error controller "contr#contr#1": traceback (most recent call last):   file "", line 6, in <module>     f=open('abc.dat', 'r') ioerror: [errno 2] no such file or directory: 'abc.dat' 

my code correct, , don't understand problem.

import gamelogic import pickle import os  os.system('') f=open('abc.dat', 'r') print "abc.dat = " x=pickle.load(f) print x print "end of abc.dat" f.close(); y=x[:] z in x:     y.remove(z)     print "removing " + str(z)     print str(y) + " , " + str(x)     f=open('abc.dat', 'w')     pickle.dump(y, f)     f.close()     contr = gamelogic.getcurrentcontroller()     location=contr.actuators["loc"]     y = 0.001*(ord(z)-128)     location.dloc=[y,0,0]     contr.activate(location)

import serial import pickle  serial.serial(com3,9600) port, open('abc.dat','r') f:     in range(0, 10):         x =         y=pickle.load(f)         f.close()         f=open('abc.dat','w')         in x:             y.append(i)         pickle.dump(y,f)         f.close() port.close() 

you getting error because file 'abc.dat' doesn't exist first time run program.

you need handle initial case, when run program first time, before 'abc.dat' exists.


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