Android-Where does image taken get saved? -

something weird happening in application im not sure if worth uploading code...

 intent pictureintent = new intent(android.provider.mediastore.action_image_capture);  pictureintent.putextra( mediastore.extra_output, imageuritosavecameraimageto );  startactivityforresult(intent.createchooser(pictureintent, stravatarprompt), take_avatar_camera_request); 

i use code take photo. photo gets saved in dcim folder , imageurisavecameraimageto points sdcard/folder...the image given name image1.jpg..once run works.

then delete files dcim , sdcard/folder , run application again , take different photo...for reason old photo appears in must caching or storing copy of else where...does know , how can delete it?thanks

i can't give exact answer, feeling mediastore contentprovider, may able call contentresolver.delete(uri).


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