.net - Remove row from DataGridView -

in order initialize vouchersdgv data grid view i'm using following

 dgv.allowusertodeleterows = true  = 1 dgv.rowcount - 1      dgv.rows.remove(dgv.rows(i - 1))      dgv.refresh()  next 

but when i'm runing first time take error of

{"uncommitted new row cannot deleted."} system.invalidoperationexception

if continue , run code , write new row in data grid , try initialize again (now have 2 rows, 1 has data , other empty) take error

{"uncommitted new row cannot deleted."} system.invalidoperationexception

i can't solve it, please there assist me on that?

if not dgv.rows(i).isnewrow     dgv.rows.removeat(i) end if 

add condition loop. alternatively, use dgv.rejectchanges() reset row status original.


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