Writing a translator using Antlr/Stringtemplates -

i want write translator. idea translate special formed c++ interfaces c++/cli. have antlr grammar parses , generates ast. want use information , string templates emit source code.

my idea transform ast in kind of object hierarchy properties (e.g. interface object containing indexed property methods contains method-description-objects. master string template fed root object , inserts properties @ correct positions or passes them sub-templates.

now question: how write string template / property needs called undefined number of times? example: interface contains number of methods. means, subtemplate method needs called several times, each time different property. how can write down mix of stringtemplate & indexed property?

thank tobias

i'm doing similar. basic idea model must expose list of object, , use list within string templates. instance, let's have braindead implementation. i'm going use java because that's know best; should idea.


public class generatedclass {     private string accessmodifier;     private string name;     private string superclass;     private list<method> methods; }  public class method {     private string comments;     private string name;     private string accessmodifier;     private type returntype;     private list<argument> arguments;     private string body; }  public class argument {     private type type;     private string name; }  public class type {     private string name; } 

for template might have following:

group java;  class(accessmodifier, name, superclass, methods)::=<<  $accessmodifier$ class $name$ extends $superclass$ {      $methods:method(); separator="\n"$  } >>  method(method)::=<< /**  $method.comments$ */ $method.accessmodifier$ $method.returntype.name$ $name$ ($method.arguments:argument(); separator=","$) {     $method.body$ } >>  argument(argument)::=<< $argument.type.name$ $argument.name$ >> 

the key functionally apply template each method object have; that's $methods:method() does. if had empty list, no template invoked @ all. handles variable size problem. similar thing within method definition; ($method.arguments:argument(); separator=","$). going create comma separated list of method parameters in between parentheses, you'd expect.


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