ruby - Using RVM with different gemsets in TextMate -

i have set rvm , made individual gemsets projects per rvm best practices. running test file in textmate dosen't work , have read here do. problem won't work because guide expects me have 1 gemset (they call "rails3"). have 2-3 projects open @ time (using different gemsets) can't use approach.

have of solved problem?

i've found rvm wrappers method buggy, , you've discovered doesn't work @ gemsets unless lot of tedious setup.

i've had success using following script tm_ruby:

#!/bin/bash  base_dir=${tm_project_directory:-$pwd} cd $base_dir exec $my_ruby_home/bin/ruby $* 

as long you're in textmate project , have .rvmrc file in project root run code in ruby version , gemset specified in .rvmrc. cd makes sure rvm discovers .rvmrc.

put code above ~/bin/textmate_ruby_wrapper , go preferences > advanced > shell variables , set tm_ruby same path.


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