flash - Embed font will replace or complete another embeding font? -

i have swf a, contains no font.

if download swf f1, contains few characters of arial, i'll have arial font embed a, no problem that.

but if, then, download swf f2, contains other characters of arial swf a, able use embed characters font, f2, or f1 ?

i'd have link somewhere explained, in technical terms : wasn't able find one.

thanks reading.

edit : after few tests, seems player replace loaded font... how can merge them, ?

i don't think can merge them. fonts treated other class. when load swf swf in same app domain, colliding classes ignored. can use different application domain if want loaded swfs mantain own versions of classes, highly doubt can merge them on runtime.

every application domain, except system domain, has associated parent domain. parent domain of main application's application domain system domain. loaded classes defined when parent doesn't define them. cannot override loaded class definition newer definition.


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