codeigniter navigation problem -

hi using codeigniter 1.7.3. implemented pagination in application works fine.

when click on next previous buttons works fine.

but when click other tabs home invokes homecontroller of application. after application gives error , url got changes.




this query printed on page.

select * my_table 0=0 , status='a' order creation_date desc limit home,2  

this process home function in homecontroller

function processhome(){         $message =  $this->input->post('message');         $requestsource = $this->input->post('requestsource');             $data['tabid'] = "home";         $data['servermessage'] = $message;         $data['includeview'] = "profilesearch";         $data['showcontainer'] ="";          $this->load->view('index', $data);       } 

this java script function called on click of home tab.

<li id="home" ><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="javascript:processhome();">home</a></li>       function processhome(){          $('form#containerform').attr({action: "home/processhome"});      $('form#containerform').append("<input type='hidden' name='requestsource' value='processhome' />");     $('form#containerform').submit();    } 

if possible, use "anchor" function create links.

echo anchor('home', 'home"'); 

it generate http://localhost/myapp/home

help anchor:


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