php - problem getting the friends birthday with facebook api -

here code , supposed retreive birthday of friends corresponding today .

$friends = $facebook->api('me/friends'); $uids = "";  foreach($friends $f) {   $uids .= "uid=$f or "; }  $query_uids = substr($uids,0,strlen($query_uids)-4); date_default_timezone_set('utc'); $current_date = date("m/d"); echo "<br />searching : $current_date<br />";  $data = $facebook->api(array('method'=>'fql.query','req_perms' => 'friends_birthday','query'=>"select name, uid user ( ($query_uids) , strpos(birthday_date,'$current_date') >= 0 )") );  if(count($data) > 0) {   foreach($data $d) {     print_r($d);   } } else {  echo "<br />no birthdays today<br />";  } 

in page have script retrive user friends above 1 , working , result shown snippet issearching , white space !!!!

please thanks

when mean getting friends' birthdays corresponding today - i'm assuming want find if of friends birthday today or not.

1) first thing, have today's date:

$today = date('m\/d'); 

2) second using date, run query select friends birthday today

$data = $facebook->api(array(     'method'    =>'fql.query',     'req_perms' => 'friends_birthday',     'query'     => "select uid,name,birthday_date user uid in (select uid2 friend uid1=me()) , strpos(birthday_date,$today)>=0 ") ); 

3) next check size of data set, if it's 0 - there no birthdays today, else loop through dataset , print friends name birthday today.

if(count($data)==0) {    echo 'no friends birthdays today'; } else {     echo 'friends birthday today';     foreach($data $today_bday) {         echo $today_bday['name'];     } } 

if not looking - let me know.


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