php - Parallel, multiple SOAP requests/connections? -

i'm running following code:

<?php  $i=0;  // connection credentials , settings $location = ''; $wsdl = $location.'?wsdl'; $username = 'user'; $password = 'pass';  // create client resource - connection $client = new client($location, $wsdl, $username, $password);  // stuff while($i<10)     {       $client-­‐>dostuff();       echo $client‐>response();       $i++;     }  ?> 


<?php  public function dostuff() { $this->response = $this->srv()->dostuff(array('stuff' => $this->get('stuff'))); return $this; }  public function __construct($location, $wsdl, $username, $password, $proxyhost = null, $proxyport = null) {  if(is_null($proxyhost) || is_null($proxyport)) $connection = new soapclient($wsdl, array('login' => $username, 'password' => $password)); else $connection = new soapclient($wsdl, array('login' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'proxy_host' => $proxyhost, 'proxy_port' => $proxyport)); $connection->__setlocation($location); $this->connection = $connection; return $this->connection; }  public function srv() { return $this->connection; }  ?> 

i wanted change run multiple connections, possibly in parallel, although not familiar enough soap understand how go this.

ie: while it's running $client-­‐>dostuff(); in loop, i'd run resource / connection of next iteration before other finishes.

any ideas? thank you

as php functional language script waits until $client-­‐>dostuff(); finished each time in while loop.


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