mvc 3 - Enable Yellow Screen of Death on MVC 3 -

i had take on mvc 3 project developer. 1 of first things did stop yellow screen of death exceptions logged file. generic message saying error has occurred.

i switch on (since gets annoying having check through logfiles whole time) - how do this.

i checked through web.config can't see happens.

i did try doing customerrors=off, didn't anything. removed global error handling attribute, didn't anything.

on further clarification, seems if exception occurs in controller yellow screen of death, if occurs in (razor) view standard generic error.

you can see web.config here can see global.asax here

in global.asax can remove filters.add(new handleerrorattribute()); public static void registerglobalfilters(globalfiltercollection filters).

as pointed out in comments - problem custom base controller overriding onexception method.


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