Actionscript: ExternalInterface.addCallback is not working in IE -


<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="100%" height="100%" id="testqwe">     <param name="movie" value="" />     <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />     <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />     <embed name="testqwe" src="" width="100%" height="100%" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" /> </object> 


try {     if(navigator.useragent.indexof('msie') != '-1') {         var embed = jquery('#testqwe')[0];     }     else {         var embed = jquery('#testqwe embed')[0];     } } catch(e) {     log({error:e}); } 


private function jsapi():void{     externalinterface.addcallback("callfromjs",callfromjs); } private function callfromjs(js:object):void{  //code here } 

when i'm trying call embed.callfromjs() says object doesn't support property or method.

what i'm doing wrong? think problem in html markup.something missing or made mistake somewhere.

it's working in firefox/chrome/opera, doesn't in ie.

help! spent around 4-5 hours , nothing...

did verify proper block in if getting called ie?

have tried using swfobject load swf? persoanlly, use dynamic method add things page. eliminate need browser sniffing. swfobject has api, , there call flash app id if need use static publishing.

btw, though deprecated, take @ jquery.browser instead of parsing ua string yourself. swfobject api has ua parser , flags can use.


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