performance - Starting a debugging session in Silverlight takes a very long time -

in sl4 lob app, i’ve hit f5 1000x or more no problems. suddenly, hitting f5 can take 90 seconds before app’s startup event raised.

i’ve tried clearing ie browsers cache, no there.

i created new navigation app no code whatsoever, hit f5, started immediately, great. began adding same assembly references sl4 lob app newly created navigation app. after each reference added, hit f5 ensure app able startup immediately; far good.

alas, came caused same behavior original sl4 lob app. removed reference navigation app, , again, start immediately. it’s 33kb, can’t argue i’m having problems symbol cache.

has else seen strange behavior? insight appreciated.

the small size of app not matter how debugging sessions starts up. slowdown caused large number of dependencies in application.

you did remove single reference improved things tremendously , chances single dll dependent on dozens of other libraries. if check process tool process explorer can see libraries loaded @ runtime.

these extraneous dependencies common. project wizards use in visual studio add dependencies items final application not use. example, xml reference part of default project not need use xml. it's practice go through , remove these unnecessary dependencies after create project. can go , re-reference them in future if need to.


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