Android AccountManager and SyncManager implementation caused only Name field to appear in Add/Edit Contact screen -

we implemented android's account manager , sync manager api create contact sync. when user selects our account while adding contact, displays name fields , other fields disappear.

here have in manifest

<activity android:name=".authenticatoractivity" android:label="ianywhere login"             android:theme="@android:style/theme.dialog"             android:excludefromrecents="true"></activity>         <service android:name=".accounts.authenticationservice">             <intent-filter>                 <action android:name="android.accounts.accountauthenticator"></action>             </intent-filter>             <meta-data android:name="android.accounts.accountauthenticator"                 android:resource="@xml/authenticator">              </meta-data>         </service>          <service             android:name=".accounts.syncservice"             android:exported="true">             <intent-filter>                 <action                     android:name="android.content.syncadapter" />             </intent-filter>             <meta-data                 android:name="android.content.syncadapter"                 android:resource="@xml/syncadapter" />         </service> 

this have in syncadapter.xml , authenticator.xml

<sync-adapter xmlns:android=""     android:contentauthority=""     android:accounttype="com.rahul.utility.contacts" /> 

have seen people talk kind of issue while adding custom fields bug in contact application. checked out code of exchange email client in android source code , seems doing same did, still when select add contact exchange account shows fields in contact.

after lot of research , looking android code base found android checks account type either of google or default rendering fields. if account type of other type, displays basic 2 fields. there no work around apart creating own contact add / edit screen (sad! really).

there possibility android have provided interface others return field types wanted on screen not implemented way of now.


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