scala - Ternary Operator Similar To ?: -
i trying avoid constructs this:
val result = this.getclass.getsimplename if (result.endswith("$")) result.init else result
ok, in example then
, else
branch simple, can image complex ones. built following:
object ternaryop { class ternary[t](t: t) { def is[r](bte: branchthenelse[t,r]) = if (bte.branch(t)) bte.then(t) else bte.elze(t) } class branch[t](branch: t => boolean) { def ?[r] (then: t => r) = new branchthen(branch,then) } class branchthen[t,r](val branch: t => boolean, val then: t => r) class elze[t,r](elze: t => r) { def :: (bt: branchthen[t,r]) = new branchthenelse(bt.branch,bt.then,elze) } class branchthenelse[t,r](val branch: t => boolean, val then: t => r, val elze: t => r) implicit def any2ternary[t](t: t) = new ternary(t) implicit def fct2branch[t](branch: t => boolean) = new branch(branch) implicit def fct2elze[t,r](elze: t => r) = new elze(elze) }
defined that, can replace above simple example with:
this.getclass.getsimplename {s: string => s.endswith("$")} ? {s: string => s.init} :: {s: string => s}
but how can rid of s: string =>
? want that:
this.getclass.getsimplename {_.endswith("$")} ? {_.init} :: {identity}
i guess compiler needs stuff infer types.
we can combine how define ternary operator in scala preserves leading tokens? answer is option wrapping value pattern? get
scala> "hi".getclass.getsimplename |> {x => x.endswith("$") ? x.init | x} res0: string = string scala> list.getclass.getsimplename |> {x => x.endswith("$") ? x.init | x} res1: string = list
is adequate needs?
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