objective c - NSTableView and backspace event (delete row) - fieldeditor/firstresponder? -

is possible make nstableview accept deleteevnt (backspace og cmd+backspace) ? have nsmenu have delete-menu-item connected first responder object in nib.

any pointers?

you create subclass of nstableview, overriding keydown so:

- (void)keydown:(nsevent *)theevent {      unichar key = [[theevent charactersignoringmodifiers] characteratindex:0];     if(key == nsdeletecharacter)      {          [self deleteitem];         return;     }      [super keydown:theevent];  } 

then make sure nstableview want have delete functionality uses subclass in interface builder instead of regular nstableview.

you can implement - (void)deleteitem method example this:

- (void)deleteitem {     if ([self numberofselectedrows] == 0) return;      nsuinteger index = [self selectedrow];      [documentcontroller deleteitemwithindex:index];  } 


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