C# LINQ Question -

i have following code

var query = lookup in dataset.tables["mbddx_lookup"].asenumerable()                                             lookup.field<string>("lookup_value") == "oncology"                      select new                     {                         lookupid = lookup.field<long>("id")                     }; 

this returns want. however, want check field within clause , 'select new' also.

how can this?


edit: second piece of data wish extract within mbddx_lookup field.

if trying check same field 2 possible values, use or operator ||:

var query = lookup in dataset.tables["mbddx_lookup"].asenumerable()         lookup.field<string>("lookup_value") == "oncology" ||               lookup.field<string>("lookup_value") == "zoology"         select new {             lookupid = lookup.field<long>("id"),             lookup = lookup.field<string>("lookup_value")         }; 


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