c++ - expression must have pointer-to-object type,subscript requires array or pointer type -

  class rc5 {       public:         rc5() :           _bufkey(new unsigned __int32[4]),           _bufsub(new unsigned __int32[26]) {         }         unsigned __int8 test(unsigned __int8 data);          virtual ~rc5() {           delete [] _bufkey;           delete [] _bufsub;         }       private:         unsigned __int32 *const _bufkey;         unsigned __int32 *const _bufsub;     };      unsigned __int8 rc5::test(unsigned __int8 data)     {                 (int = 0; < 4; i++)                 {                     _bufkey[i] = (unsigned __int32)(data[i * 4] + (data[i * 4 + 1] << 8) + (data[i * 4 + 2] << 16) + (data[i * 4 + 3] << 24));                     }            } 

i got errors : expression must have pointer-to-object type,subscript requires array or pointer type

it looks problem in test function you're passing in data unsigned __int8 rather array of these values. subscripting square brackets what's causing error. changing function take it's value array should fix this.


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