- System.Web.HttpException: Unable to validate data - after publishing site -

i have written following code login:

 session["islogin"] = false;         system.configuration.configuration config = system.web.configuration.webconfigurationmanager.openwebconfiguration("~");         if (txtpassword.text.trim() == string.empty)         {             // display error         }         else         {             string pwd = config.appsettings.settings["pwd"].value.tostring();             formsauthenticationticket formauthtk = formsauthentication.decrypt(pwd);             string strdcryptedpwd =;             if (txtpassword.text.trim() == strdcryptedpwd)             {                 session["islogin"] = true;                 response.redirect("anypage.aspx");             }             else             {                 // error, wrong password             }         } 

which running fine while running through visual studio. when published it showing below error:

system.web.httpexception: unable validate data


  1. i publish application on same server on developing site.

  2. i have tried enableviewstatemac = false on page level. [login page]

what reson of error? why appears when have published site?

i have changed way encrypt string , problem disapperars. have no idea reason of error, resolved this. hope others, facing same issue.


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