jquery - make query strings visible -

i doing this:

$.ajax({     type: 'get',     url: this.href,     async: true,     data: $('form').first().serialize(),     beforesend: function() {     $.blockui({ message: 'please wait ...' });     },     complete: function() {     $.unblockui();     },     success: function(result) {     $("#grid").replacewith($("#grid", result));     },     datatype: "text" }); 

is possible show query strings obtained form user can store link?



sure, pre-calculate serialized form:

var the_data = $('form').first().serialize(); $.ajax({     type      : 'get',     url       : this.href,     async     : true,     data      : the_data,     beforesend: function() {         $.blockui({ message: 'please wait ...' });     },     complete  : function() {         $.unblockui();     },     success   : function(result) {         $("#grid").replacewith($("#grid", result));          // based on comment, alerting `the data` clarify         // example.  you'll want display on page         // rather using alert.         alert(the_data);     },     datatype  : "text" }); 


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