Asking for 'Pairing Request' in android 2.1 when connecting to Bluetooth Socket SPP on Samsung Galaxy -

i'm trying connected bluetooth socket spp using samsung galaxy tablet using uuid of "00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", doesn't not work me.

and have tried using following:

method m = device.getclass().getmethod("createrfcommsocket", new class[] { int.class }); sock = (bluetoothsocket) m.invoke(device, integer.valueof(1)); sock.connect(); 

this working fine, everytime try connect, it's asking pairing request pin, failing of leading failure of bluetooth connection.

how can set/save pair information should not prompt pairing request every time connect.

i got problem well. android ics issue. workaround can use insecure socket

method m = device.getclass().getmethod("createinsecurerfcommsocket", new class[] { int.class }); sock = (bluetoothsocket) m.invoke(device, integer.valueof(1)); sock.connect(); 


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