Latest Rails 3: ActionView::Template::Error (couldn't parse YAML at line 105 column 13) -

i have encountered weird problem or rails 3, possibly ever since new rubygems 1.5 update. when deploy program nginx passenger 3.0.2, have 500 page , problems in production log:

 actionview::template::error (couldn't parse yaml @ line 105 column 13):     10: </div>     11: <% end %>     12: <div class="field">     13:     <%= f.label :name %> <%= f.text_field :name %>     14: </div>     15: <div class="field">     16:     <%= f.label :password %> <%= f.password_field :password %>   app/views/sessions/new.html.erb:13:in `block in _app_views_sessions_new_html_erb___4159562374589718885_19217640_4456777064017176818'   app/views/sessions/new.html.erb:5:in `_app_views_sessions_new_html_erb___4159562374589718885_19217640_4456777064017176818'  

it looks it's missing in environment , can't recognize of form_for elements. page simple login page 2 fields - name , password. problem happens other pages forms, in production environment. in development environment, it's totally working fine. have upgraded gems latest version, including rails 3.0.4, looks not quite related problem. used deploy same thing onto ubuntu on vmware before gem 1.5, still fine now, there's no turning new deployments.

i have deployed 2 machines running latest ubuntu, , both machine have such errors. nginx , passenger installed standard steps. problem site can never run. can provide bug fix this? if could!

ps: login page wrote here:

i added following 2 lines config/boot.rb file , problem solved.

require 'yaml' yaml::engine.yamler= 'syck' 


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