c++ - What is a good example of recursion other than generating a Fibonacci sequence? -

possible duplicates:
real-world examples of recursion
examples of recursive functions

i see programming language tutorial teach recursion using simple example how generate fibonacci sequence, question is, there example other generating fibonacci sequence explain how recursion works?

the classic binary tree search:

def findval (node,val):     if node == null:         return null     if node.val = val:         return node     if node.val > val:         return findval (node.left,val)     return findval (node.right,val)  findval (root,thing_to_find) 

that may little more complex simple formula it's "bread , butter" use of recursion, , illustrates best places use it, recursion levels minimised.

by mean: could add 2 non-negative numbers with:

def add (a,b):     if b == 0:         return     return add (a+1,b-1) 

but you'd find running out of stack space pretty large numbers (unless compiler optimised tail-end recursions of course, should ignore level of teaching you're concerned with).


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