java - Close wicket modal window by pressing a button -

i want close modal window pressing button residing on modal window page. not working. modal window page contains video player.

my code is:

public class playvideowindow extends webpage {     public playvideowindow(final page modalwindowpage, final modalwindow window, final string itemid) {         final string xmlfilepath = ((webapplication) getapplication()).getservletcontext().getrealpath("/resources/video/xml/video.xml");         string filename = null;           try {             filename = webvideo.getvideo(itemid, xmlfilepath);         } catch (saxexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         } catch (ioexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }                  webmarkupcontainer videocontainer = new webmarkupcontainer("videodiv");         add(videocontainer);          add(headercontributor.forjavascript("resources/video/js/swfobject.js"));          final string script = "var swfversionstr = '10.0.0';"             + "var xiswfurlstr = 'playerproductinstall.swf';"             + "var flashvars = {};"             + "flashvars.filename = '"+ filename +"'" +";"             + "var params = {};"             + "params.wmode = 'transparent';"             + "params.quality = 'high';"             + "params.allowscriptaccess = 'always';"             + "params.allowfullscreen = 'true';"             + "params.allownetworking = 'all';"             + "var attributes = {};"             + " = 'player';"             + " = 'player';"             + "attributes.align = 'left';"             + "swfobject.embedswf('/jtrac/resources/video/swf/player.swf', 'moviediv', '320', '320', swfversionstr, xiswfurlstr, flashvars, params, attributes);"             + "swfobject.createcss('#flashcontent', 'display:block;text-align:left;');";      add(new abstractbehavior() {         public void renderhead(iheaderresponse response) {             super.renderhead(response);             response.renderonloadjavascript(script);         }     });      //videocontainer.add(new ajaxbutton("close") {       //  protected void onsubmit(final ajaxrequesttarget target, final form form) {         //    playvideowindow.this.close(target);         //}     //});      //button closebutton;     //videocontainer.add(closebutton = new button("close"));     //closebutton.add(new attributeappender("onclick", new model("window.close();"), ";"));     } } 

and here's html:

<div wicket:id="videodiv"> <div id="moviediv"></div> <input type="button" wicket:id="close" /> </div> 

the commented-out lines of code tests. information helpful me. thank you.

solved problem code:

add(new ajaxlink("close") {         public void onclick(ajaxrequesttarget target) {             window.close(target);         }     }); 

all need insert call close method in button's code.

to close window there multiple options. static method close(ajaxrequesttarget) can used close window handler of ajax link inside window.

source: documentation of modalwindow in 1.4.7 release.

i see solved problem link, post mentioned button, don't know if link solution workaround until got better. also, since close static method, should call class, not instance.


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