c# - arp -a and route print -

i need write program displays information:

  • netstat
  • tcp / udp connections
  • information ip ipconfig /all
  • arp-a
  • route print

i have of them, have problem route print , arp -a. not want execute command using process.start() because not spectacular:

process p = new process ();  p.startinfo.windowstyle = processwindowstyle.hidden; p.startinfo.useshellexecute = false; p.startinfo.filename = "route"; p.startinfo.arguments = "print"; p.startinfo.redirectstandardoutput = true; p.startinfo.createnowindow = true; p.startinfo.standardoutputencoding = encoding.default; p.startinfo.windowstyle = processwindowstyle.hidden; p.start(); textbox1.text = p.standardoutput.readtoend(); 

i use foreach loop data listview or datagrid columns. has ~ t able me? how can data each column: destination, netmask, gateway, interface, metrics , permanent route? , in case of arp, internet address type of physical address?

i suppose parse text retrieve out values want , put them in listview etc. however, think there better ways retrieve , think you'd able out information using wmi class win32_ip4routetable.

if haven't used wmi before, might able use wmi code creator v1.0 started (i haven't used myself, saw else suggesting sometime).

the wmi .net overview useful too.


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