audio - Java ogg vorbis encoding -

i using tritonous package audio encoding in ogg-vorbis. face problem when giving audio format.

 unsupported conversion: vorbis 44100.0hz, unknown bits per sample, mono, unknown frame size,  pcm_signed 44100.0 hz, 16 bit, mono, 2 bytes/frame, little-endian 

this code specifying format

file outputfile = new file(userdir+"//san"+"_"+strfilename + ".spx");                          // using pcm 44.1 khz, 16 bit signed,stereo.                         if(osname.indexof("win") >= 0){                             system.out.println("windows");                             audioformat = getwindowsaudioformat();                               samplerate = 44100.0f;                          }else {                             system.out.println("mac");                             audioformat = getmacaudioformat();                               samplerate = 44100.0f;                         }                          audioformat vorbisformat = new audioformat(vorbis,                                 samplerate,                                 audiosystem.not_specified,                                 1,                                 audiosystem.not_specified,                                 audiosystem.not_specified,                                 false);                    info = new, audioformat);                         targetdataline  targetdataline = null;                         audiofileformat.type filetype = null;                         file audiofile = null;                         filetype = vorbis;                         try                         {                             targetdataline = (targetdataline) audiosystem.getline(info);                   ;                         }                         catch (lineunavailableexception e)                         {                             system.out.println("unable recording line");                             e.printstacktrace();                             system.exit(1);                         }                         audioinputstream ais = new audioinputstream(targetdataline);                          ais = audiosystem.getaudioinputstream(vorbisformat, ais);                         final recorder recorder = new recorder(targetdataline,ais,filetype,outputfile);                         int number = 0;                         system.out.println("recording..."); 



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