php - Why it always say: Undefined index: User -

it says same error defined user variable. used can print user name of user , other details of user logged in restricted page.

code when logging in:

  <?php require_once('../connections/intranet.php'); ?> <?php if (!function_exists("getsqlvaluestring")) { function getsqlvaluestring($thevalue, $thetype, $thedefinedvalue = "", $thenotdefinedvalue = "")  {   .... }  mysql_select_db($database_intranet, $intranet); $query_recordset1 = "select * useraccounts"; $recordset1 = mysql_query($query_recordset1, $intranet) or die(mysql_error()); $row_recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($recordset1); $totalrows_recordset1 = mysql_num_rows($recordset1); ?><?php // *** validate request login site. if (!isset($_session)) {   session_start(); }  $loginformaction = $_server['php_self']; if (isset($_get['accesscheck'])) {   $_session['prevurl'] = $_get['accesscheck']; }  if (isset($_post['user'])) {   $loginusername=$_post['user'];   $password=$_post['password'];   $mm_flduserauthorization = "restriction";   $mm_redirectloginsuccess = "admin.php";   $mm_redirectloginfailed = "login.php";   $mm_redirecttoreferrer = false;   mysql_select_db($database_intranet, $intranet);    $loginrs__query=sprintf("select username, password, restriction useraccounts username=%s , password=%s",   getsqlvaluestring($loginusername, "text"), getsqlvaluestring($password, "text"));     $loginrs = mysql_query($loginrs__query, $intranet) or die(mysql_error());   $loginfounduser = mysql_num_rows($loginrs);   if ($loginfounduser) {      $loginstrgroup  = mysql_result($loginrs,0,'restriction');      //declare 2 session variables , assign them     $_session['mm_username'] = $loginusername;     $_session['mm_usergroup'] = $loginstrgroup;             if (isset($_session['prevurl']) && false) {       $mm_redirectloginsuccess = $_session['prevurl'];       }     header("location: " . $mm_redirectloginsuccess );   }   else {     header("location: ". $mm_redirectloginfailed );   } } ?> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>untitled document</title> </head>  <body> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo $loginformaction; ?>">   <label>user name:</label>   <input type="text" name="user" id="user" />   <p>     <label>password :     <input type="password" name="password" id="password" />     </label>   </p>   <p>     <label>     <input type="submit" name="login" id="login" value="login" />     </label>   </p>   <p>&nbsp;  </p> </form> </body> </html> <?php mysql_free_result($recordset1); ?> 

code on user page:

  <?php require_once('../connections/intranet.php'); ?><?php //initialize session if (!isset($_session)) {   session_start(); }  // ** logout current user. ** $logoutaction = $_server['php_self']."?dologout=true"; if ((isset($_server['query_string'])) && ($_server['query_string'] != "")){   $logoutaction .="&". htmlentities($_server['query_string']); }  if ((isset($_get['dologout'])) &&($_get['dologout']=="true")){   //to log out visitor need clear session varialbles   $_session['mm_username'] = null;   $_session['mm_usergroup'] = null;   $_session['prevurl'] = null;   unset($_session['mm_username']);   unset($_session['mm_usergroup']);   unset($_session['prevurl']);    $logoutgoto = "login.php";   if ($logoutgoto) {     header("location: $logoutgoto");     exit;   } } ?> <?php  if (!isset($_session)) {   session_start(); } $mm_authorizedusers = "admin"; $mm_donotcheckaccess = "false";  // *** restrict access page: grant or deny access page function isauthorized($strusers, $strgroups, $username, $usergroup) {    // security, start assuming visitor not authorized.    $isvalid = false;     // when visitor has logged site, session variable mm_username set equal username.    // therefore, know user not logged in if session variable blank.    if (!empty($username)) {      // besides being logged in, may restrict access users based on id established when login.      // parse strings arrays.      $arrusers = explode(",", $strusers);      $arrgroups = explode(",", $strgroups);      if (in_array($username, $arrusers)) {        $isvalid = true;      }      // or, may restrict access users based on username.      if (in_array($usergroup, $arrgroups)) {        $isvalid = true;      }      if (($strusers == "") && false) {        $isvalid = true;      }    }    return $isvalid;  }  $mm_restrictgoto = "user.php"; if (!((isset($_session['mm_username'])) && (isauthorized("",$mm_authorizedusers, $_session['mm_username'], $_session['mm_usergroup'])))) {       $mm_qschar = "?";   $mm_referrer = $_server['php_self'];   if (strpos($mm_restrictgoto, "?")) $mm_qschar = "&";   if (isset($query_string) && strlen($query_string) > 0)    $mm_referrer .= "?" . $query_string;   $mm_restrictgoto = $mm_restrictgoto. $mm_qschar . "accesscheck=" . urlencode($mm_referrer);   header("location: ". $mm_restrictgoto);    exit; } ?> <?php if (!function_exists("getsqlvaluestring")) { function getsqlvaluestring($thevalue, $thetype, $thedefinedvalue = "", $thenotdefinedvalue = "")  {   $thevalue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($thevalue) : $thevalue;    $thevalue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($thevalue) : mysql_escape_string($thevalue);    switch ($thetype) {     case "text":       $thevalue = ($thevalue != "") ? "'" . $thevalue . "'" : "null";       break;         case "long":     case "int":       $thevalue = ($thevalue != "") ? intval($thevalue) : "null";       break;     case "double":       $thevalue = ($thevalue != "") ? "'" . doubleval($thevalue) . "'" : "null";       break;     case "date":       $thevalue = ($thevalue != "") ? "'" . $thevalue . "'" : "null";       break;     case "defined":       $thevalue = ($thevalue != "") ? $thedefinedvalue : $thenotdefinedvalue;       break;   }   return $thevalue; } }  mysql_select_db($database_intranet, $intranet); $query_recordset1 = "select * useraccounts username = '" .      mysql_real_escape_string($_post["user"]) . "'"; $recordset1 = mysql_query($query_recordset1, $intranet) or die(mysql_error()); $row_recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($recordset1); $totalrows_recordset1 = mysql_num_rows($recordset1); ?> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>untitled document</title> </head>  <body> <table width="200" border="0">   <tr>     <td>name:</td>     <td><?php echo $row_recordset1['username']; ?></td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td>restriction:</td>     <td><?php echo $row_recordset1['restriction']; ?></td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td>division:</td>     <td><?php echo $row_recordset1['division']; ?></td>   </tr> </table> <p><?php print_r($_post) ?>;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;<a href="<?php echo $logoutaction ?>">log out</a></p> </body> </html> <?php mysql_free_result($recordset1); ?> 

the input name user not username.

this should work:

$query_recordset1 = "select * useraccounts username = '" .      mysql_real_escape_string($_post["user"]) . "'"; 


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