facebook - How do you load third party package in Codeigniter? -

this elementary question.

i downloaded facebook php sdk , stored in "third_party" folder within codeigniter. hoping should go. how load such php sdk?


i ended sticking in in ci's libraries directory , adding libraries autoload in config/autoload.php


$autoload['libraries'] = array('facebook'); 

then, made small change facebook implementation (constructor of facebook class) , added keys app's config file:

public function __construct() {     $ci =& get_instance();      $this->setappid($ci->config->item('fb_appid'));     $this->setapisecret($ci->config->item('fb_secret'));     $this->setcookiesupport($ci->config->item('fb_cookie'));     $this->setbasedomain($ci->config->item('fb_domain'));     $this->setfileuploadsupport($ci->config->item('fb_upload')); } 

...and presto - have access facebook's api in models , controllers via $this->facebook


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