javascript - Cannot override the CSS at this site -

this site overriding css own , cannot around it! has style.css "text-align: center" in body.

i have <div id="mydiv"> appended body , it's got "text-align: left". there <ul>s , <li>s underneath #mydiv , inheriting body's 'center' reason. tried , it's still not working.

$('#mydiv').children().css('text-align', 'auto'); 

how heck reclaim css!?

@grillz, html looks this:

<div id="mydiv"> <ul class="container">     <li rel="folder" class="category"><a href="#">category1</a>         <ul><li rel="file" class="subcategory"><a href="#">subcategory1</a></li></ul>         <ul><li rel="file" class="subcategory"><a href="#">subcategory2</a></li></ul>     </li>     <li rel="folder" class="category"><a href="#">category2</a>         <ul><li rel="file" class="subcategory"><a href="#">subcategory3</a></li></ul>         <ul><li rel="file" class="subcategory"><a href="#">subcategory4</a></li></ul>     </li> </ul> 

if want via jquery, .children() selecting <ul>, not <li>... need this:

$('#mydiv').children().children().each(function() {     $(this).css('text-align', 'left'); }); 

firstly, drilling down 2 levels, down <li>. secondly using .each() function apply css styling each child...

edit: after seeing html above, below more appropriate:

$('#mydiv').find("li").each(function() {     $(this).css('text-align', 'left'); }); 

this uses .find() function find every <li> element inside #mydiv.

working jsfiddle (with color instead of text-align) here:

hope helps :)


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