c# - How to turn off persistent proxy connections -

this follow on this question on how turn of connection: keep-alive headers on httpwebrequest.

i have disabled connection: keep-alive headers web service call, when use proxy sends connect xxx.xxxxx.xx:443 http/1.1 proxy before call sent server.

with connect call bunch of headers sent:

system.net information: 0 : [5420] connectstream#33166512 - sending headers
proxy-authorization: basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==
host: xxx.xxxxx.xx
proxy-connection: keep-alive

i want rid of keep-alive , change close cannot find out how control header. how change or disable proxy-connection header?

googleing around figured have set webrequest.connection = "close"; or webrequest.connection = null;, results in argument exception.

appareantly not possible change proxy-connection header.

the result trying achieve (close tcp connection proxy before load-balancer between client , proxy kills after 2 minutes of inactivity) realized setting

servicepointmanager.maxservicepointidletime = 100000;

the servicepointmanager closes underlying connection after 100 seconds, before killed load-balancer , creates new 1 when necessary.


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