android - tabStripEnabled for TabWidget in Older API's -

android 2.2 i.e api level 8 has tabstripenabled="true" tabwidget how achieve same in older versions of android?

private void setuptabs(tabhost tabhost) {      linearlayout ll = (linearlayout) tabhost.getchildat(0);     tabwidget tw = (tabwidget) ll.getchildat(0);      field mbottomleftstrip;     field mbottomrightstrip;      try {         mbottomleftstrip = tw.getclass().getdeclaredfield("mbottomleftstrip");         mbottomrightstrip = tw.getclass().getdeclaredfield("mbottomrightstrip");          if (!mbottomleftstrip.isaccessible()) {             mbottomleftstrip.setaccessible(true);         }          if (!mbottomrightstrip.isaccessible()) {             mbottomrightstrip.setaccessible(true);         }          mbottomleftstrip.set(tw, getresources().getdrawable(r.drawable.blank));         mbottomrightstrip.set(tw, getresources().getdrawable(r.drawable.blank));// blank name of image in drawable folder      }      catch (java.lang.nosuchfieldexception e) {         // possibly 2.2         try {             method stripenabled = tw.getclass().getdeclaredmethod("setstripenabled", boolean.class);             stripenabled.invoke(tw, false);          }          catch (exception e1) {             e1.printstacktrace();         }     }      catch (exception e) {} } 


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