objective c - Programatically check whether monitor is switched off -

mac os x has power saving feature allows os turn off monitor. there api detect in code whether monitor switched on or off?

check out iokit's power management section. http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/devicedrivers/conceptual/iokitfundamentals/powermgmt/powermgmt.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/tp0000020-tpxref104

you might able use ioregistryexplorer , find node state information on setting looking for. there can multiple monitors on mac in different states, have enumerate tree looking nodes class type need.

sleep state handled in iopmrootdomain.cpp in darwin kernel. can probe iokit believe. http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/xnu/xnu-1456.1.26/iokit/kernel/iopmrootdomain.cpp

something like:

mach_port_t         masterport; io_registry_entry_t     root; kern_return_t       kr; boolean_t           flag = false;  kr = iomasterport(bootstrap_port,&masterport);  if ( kioreturnsuccess == kr ) {     root = ioregistryentryfrompath(masterport,kiopowerplane ":/iopowerconnection/iopmrootdomain");     if ( root ) {         cftyperef data;          data = ioregistryentrycreatecfproperty(root,cfstr("iosleepsupported"),kcfallocatordefault,kniloptions);         if ( data ) {             flag = true;             cfrelease(data);         }         ioobjectrelease(root);     } } return flag; 

there function in iokit called getpowerstate(). not sure if it's accessible.

hope helps.


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