java - Looking distributed cache solutions for implementing a distributed MVC pattern -

i building client/server application have complex (but not large -say 10,00 objects) object model @ heart. multiple clients need view model (via eclipse rcp gui), server node can directly edit model. want edits model published out clients. new clients able request model, , register updates.

its standard model-view-controller pattern really.

can suggest good, open source, replicated cache solutions handle distribution of object model, plus distributing changes model. want 'deltas' sent clients, rather sending complete model every time 1 field changes.

also, need able replicate object graph , maintain coherence, e.g., if have 'person' object:

 public class person implements serializable { private person manager; private string name;       public person (person manager, string name) { 

add 3 people cache:

 person boss = new person(null,"theboss");  person employee1 = new person(boss,"employee 1");  person employee2 = new person(boss,"employee 2");   cache.put(new element("boss",boss)  cache.put(new element("employee1",employee1)  cache.put(new element("employee2",employee2) 

and update 'boss's name:

 boss.setname("thebossxx");  cache.put(new element("boss",boss) 

i expect following code return 'thebossxx' on nodes:

 person e1 = (person) cache.get("employee1").getvalue()  person b1 = e1.getmanager(); 

in other words, want solution know objects reference each other , maintain replationships on nodes.

interested hear suggestions.


i suggest spring web flow.

     spring web flow compliments spring mvc. 

here link spring web flow demo


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