user interface - Problem with Java GUI implementation -

i have problem code trying run - trying make 3 buttons, put them on gui, , have first buttons colour changed orange, , buttons next colour change white , green. every click thereafter result in colours moving 1 button right. code far follows, skipping colours in places , not behaving @ expected. can offer help/guidance please ?

import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*;  public class buttonjava extends jbutton implements actionlistener  {   private int currentcolor=-1;   private int clicks=0;   private static final color[] colors = {,     color.white, };   private static buttonjava[] buttons;    public buttonjava( ){     setbackground( color.yellow );     settext( "pick me" );     this.addactionlistener( );   }    public static void main(string[] args) {     jframe frame = new jframe ("jframe");     jpanel panel = new jpanel( );     frame.setdefaultcloseoperation( jframe.exit_on_close);     buttons = new buttonjava[3];     for(int = 0;i<buttons.length ; i++){       buttons[i] = new buttonjava();        panel.add(buttons[i]);     }     frame.getcontentpane( ).add( panel );     frame.setsize( 500, 500);     frame.setvisible( true );   }    private void updatebutton() {      clicks++;     changecolors(); //    settext( );   }  private void changecolors( ) {   (int i=buttons.length-1;i>=0;i--){     buttons[i].currentcolor = nextcolor(currentcolor);     buttons[i].setbackground(colors[buttons[i].currentcolor]);     buttons[i].settext(("# of clicks = " + buttons[i].getclicks() ) );   } }  private integer getclicks() {  return clicks; }  private int nextcolor( int curcol ) {   final int collen = colors.length;   curcol--;   curcol = (collen + curcol % collen) % collen;   return curcol; }  private void firstclick( actionevent event ) {   int curcol = 0;   (int i=buttons.length-1;i>=0;i--){     if ( buttons[i] == event.getsource() ) {       buttons[i].currentcolor = curcol;       curcol++;       currentcolor++;     }   }}    @override   public void actionperformed( actionevent event ) {     if ( -1 == currentcolor ) {       firstclick( event );     }     updatebutton( );      }   } 

thank :)

you have couple issues code posted, boil down being clear member of class(static) , member of instance.

for starters, buttons array exists inside main method , can't accessed changecolors(). along same lines, since changecolors() instance method, setbackground() needs called directly on button in array. written setting color 1 button 3 times.

additionally, logic in changecolors() not rotating currentcolor index. need both increase counter , ensure wraps length of color array. if arrays same size, need make sure there addition make colors cycle.

private static void changecolors( ) {   (int i=0;i<buttons.length;i++){     buttons[i].setbackground(colors[currentcolor]);     currentcolor = nextcolor(currentcolor);   }   if (buttons.length == colors.length) {     currentcolor = nextcolor(currentcolor);   } }  private static int nextcolor(int currentcolor) {   return (currentcolor+1)% colors.length; } 

edit new code:

i'm not sure why re-wrote nextcolor(), posted worked. in general, feel running issues because code not partitioned tasks trying achieve. have code related specific button instance , code related controlling buttons mixing together.

with following implementation, issue of how many times button clicked self-contained in button class. every button press calls 1 method in owning panel. method knows how many buttons there , color of first button. , each subsequent button contain next color in list, wrapping when necessary.

public class rotatebuttons extends jpanel {   private static final color[] colors = {, color.white, };   private static final int button_count = 3;   private jbutton[] _buttons;   private int _currentcolor = 0;    public static void main(string[] args)   {     jframe frame = new jframe("jframe");     frame.setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close);     frame.getcontentpane().add(new rotatebuttons());     frame.setsize(500, 500);     frame.setvisible(true);   }    public rotatebuttons()   {     _buttons = new jbutton[button_count];     (int = 0; < _buttons.length; i++) {       _buttons[i] = new countbutton();       add(_buttons[i]);     }   }    private void rotatebuttons()   {     (jbutton button : _buttons) {       button.setbackground(colors[_currentcolor]);       _currentcolor = nextcolor(_currentcolor);     }     if (_buttons.length == colors.length) {       _currentcolor = nextcolor(_currentcolor);     }   }    private int nextcolor(int currentcolor)   {     return (currentcolor + 1) % colors.length;   }    private class countbutton extends jbutton {     private int _count = 0;      public countbutton()     {       setbackground(color.yellow);       settext("pick me");       addactionlistener(new actionlistener() {         @override         public void actionperformed(actionevent arg0)         {           _count++;           settext("# of clicks = " + _count);           rotatebuttons();         }       });     }   } } 

2nd edit:

shows changes shift _currentcolor necessary amount on first click.

public class rotatebuttons extends jpanel {   ...   private boolean _firstclick = true;   ...   private void rotatebuttons(countbutton source)   {     if (_firstclick) {       _firstclick = false;       boolean foundsource = false;       (int = 0; < _buttons.length; i++) {         if (foundsource) {           _currentcolor = nextcolor(_currentcolor);         } else {           foundsource = _buttons[i] == source;         }       }     }     ...   }    private class countbutton extends jbutton {     ...      public countbutton()     {       ...       addactionlistener(new actionlistener() {         @override         public void actionperformed(actionevent arg0)         {           ...           rotatebuttons(countbutton.this);         }       });     }   } 


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