ruby - Getting Rails 3 and Passenger to work on CentOS 5.4 - Apache Error -

using ruby 1.8.7 on centos 5.4. trying rails 3 app on passenger.

i have gone through steps error in apache log file

passenger error (ext/common/applicationpool/../spawnmanager.h:220): not start spawn server: /usr/lib/ruby/: permission denied (13) [ pid=18207 thr=3086812880 file=ext/apache2/helperagent.cpp:354 time=2011-02-09 09:27:18.541 ]: not start spawn server: write() failed: broken pipe (32)      in 'passenger::spawnmanager::spawnmanager(const std::string&, const boost::shared_ptr<passenger::serverinstancedir::generation>&, const passenger::accountsdatabaseptr&, const std::string&, const passenger::analyticsloggerptr&, int, const std::string&)' (spawnmanager.h:540)      in 'passenger::applicationpool::pool::pool(const std::string&, const boost::shared_ptr<passenger::serverinstancedir::generation>&, const passenger::accountsdatabaseptr&, const std::string&, const passenger::analyticsloggerptr&, int, const std::string&)' (pool.h:1078)      in 'server::server(passenger::filedescriptor, pid_t, const std::string&, bool, const std::string&, const std::string&, const std::string&, const std::string&, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, const passenger::variantmap&)' (helperagent.cpp:241)      in 'int main(int, char**)' (helperagent.cpp:344)  [wed feb 09 09:27:18 2011] [error] passenger not initialized because of error: unable start phusion passenger watchdog because encountered following error during startup: unable start phusion passenger helper agent: seems have crashed during startup unknown reason, exit code 1 [wed feb 09 09:27:18 2011] [notice] digest: generating secret digest authentication ... [wed feb 09 09:27:18 2011] [notice] digest: done passenger error (ext/common/applicationpool/../spawnmanager.h:220): not start spawn server: /usr/lib/ruby/: permission denied (13) [ pid=18221 thr=3086513872 file=ext/apache2/helperagent.cpp:354 time=2011-02-09 09:27:18.592 ]: not start spawn server: write() failed: broken pipe (32)      in 'passenger::spawnmanager::spawnmanager(const std::string&, const boost::shared_ptr<passenger::serverinstancedir::generation>&, const passenger::accountsdatabaseptr&, const std::string&, const passenger::analyticsloggerptr&, int, const std::string&)' (spawnmanager.h:540)      in 'passenger::applicationpool::pool::pool(const std::string&, const boost::shared_ptr<passenger::serverinstancedir::generation>&, const passenger::accountsdatabaseptr&, const std::string&, const passenger::analyticsloggerptr&, int, const std::string&)' (pool.h:1078)      in 'server::server(passenger::filedescriptor, pid_t, const std::string&, bool, const std::string&, const std::string&, const std::string&, const std::string&, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, const passenger::variantmap&)' (helperagent.cpp:241)      in 'int main(int, char**)' (helperagent.cpp:344) 

don't know start. permission ruby or app denied?

passenger in stand alone mode gives me error not being able load bundler.

would running under apache2.

tyndall, looks user runs apache doesn't have permissions

could not start spawn server: /usr/lib/ruby/: permission denied (13) 

try su user runs apache, , try running ruby or accessing folder /usr/lib/ruby


try these steps check if apache has permissions.

  • log in unix server
  • [if you're not root] become root running sudo su -
  • check user running apache bye running ps -ef | grep -i apache (the first column should display user name)
  • now become apache running su apache - (if apache user name)
  • now run cd /usr , ls (cd checks execution permission on folder , ls read permissions)
  • do same step before /usr/lib. necessary because might apache cannot access 1 of folders in path.
  • once you're in /use/lib check binary file of ruby there running ls -l ruby
  • finally try run ruby folder ./ruby -v (check returns correct version)

if of works, please paste here apache configuration have passenger.

it should like

loadmodule passenger_module /usr/local/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/passenger-3.0.2/ext/apache2/ passengerroot /usr/local/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/passenger-3.0.2 passengerruby /usr/local/ruby/bin/ruby passengerdefaultuser www-data 


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