- Change onclick of an image -

i have html img

<img id="btnviewspec" alt="view spec sheet"src="/images/viewspec.jpg" style="cursor: pointer;" /> 

i need alter onclick target different aspx pages based on what's read database. like:

if dbread("keywords").tostring.contains("glove")     me.btnviewspec.attributes.add("onclick", ("'/specsheet/displaypdf.aspx?pa=/specsheet/glovespec.aspx?pid=" & intproductid & "','wnemailinfo', 'menubar=no,width=820,height=500,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=yes')")) else     me.btnviewspec.attributes.add("onclick", ("'/specsheet/displaypdf.aspx?pa=/specsheet/clothingspec.aspx?pid=" & intproductid & "','wnemailinfo', 'menubar=no,width=820,height=500,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=yes')")) end if 

problem can't code behind recognize image. tried register in designer code protected withevents btnviewspec htmlimage no luck. guess don't understand issue or gets registered in designer code. thanks

add runat="server" image tag , have access control


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