machine learning - Dalvik format failed: Failed to convert dex. PermGen space- Android -

i need use classifier j48 in android. running heapspace problems. there way fix same? error states. dalvik format failed: failed convert dex. permgen space.

so have memory problem using j48 in weka on android. try diagnose in following order:

  1. how memory program consume? see here , here weka memory consumption.
  2. add more memory jvm (also in earlier links).
  3. try running on more affluent jvm - can run on desktop? or problem unrelated os resources?
  4. tune algorithm - build smaller tree or prune more heavily.
  5. prune dataset - remove unnecessary attributes.
  6. prune dataset - use fewer instances.
  7. use different algorithm.
  8. if else fails - implement decision tree using different library (scipy/orange/knime/rapid miner), or roll own.


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